What is Wanfang Database? What is the difference between Wanfang Database and HowNet

As we all know, Wanfang database system can be said to be the most domestic information resource on the Internet, with nearly 100 main products and 5 subsystems. Here you can query the knowledge, information, fund information, conference papers and clinical diagnosis and treatment knowledge you want to know. What's the difference between Wanfang database and HowNet?


What is Wanfang Database?

Wanfang Database is a large network database developed by Wanfang Data Company, covering journals, meeting minutes, papers, academic achievements, and academic conference papers; It is also a professional academic database in China as famous as CNKI.

Its development company, Wanfang Data Co., Ltd., is the first joint-stock high-tech enterprise focusing on information services in China. It is a comprehensive information service provider integrating information resource products, information value-added services and information processing solutions in the Internet field.

Wanfang data resources include five subsystems.

1. Business information subsystem

The Database of Chinese Enterprises, Companies and Products (CECDB) is the main product of this subsystem, which has so far included the detailed information of more than 160000 enterprises in 96 industries.

2. Scientific and technological information subsystem

This subsystem is a database of all secondary literature related to scientific and technological journals except scientific and technological journals, with a total of more than 15 million records, including China's scientific and technological achievements database, China's academic conference abstracts database, China's degree thesis abstracts database, China's scientific and technological celebrities database, China's scientific research institutions database, China's scientific and technological literature series database Taiwan series database, etc., with a total of nearly 90 databases.

3. Digital journal subsystem

The subsystem uses HTML and PDF file formats for reading. It can browse by journal, or search and query by papers or citations. At present, more than 4500 scientific and technological journals have been included, mainly core journals.

4. Full text database of Chinese dissertations

The full text database of Chinese dissertations includes master's, doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations of all disciplines in key universities across the country. All PDF full text can be retrieved by disciplines, papers, authors, institutions and other fields. Full text content can be selected and browsed by chapters and identified as text files.

5. Full text database of Chinese academic conferences

The full-text database of Chinese academic conferences mainly collects academic conferences hosted by domestic national societies and associations. At present, it has included more than 4000 domestic academic conferences held by domestic primary and secondary societies, associations and other organizations, 256000 full texts of Chinese conferences, and 35000 full texts of Western conferences, all in PDF format.

Number of years included: The number of years included by each subsystem varies from 1980 to now.

What is the difference between Wanfang Database and HowNet?

Simple comparison:

1. From the perspective of collection, Wip has been the longest and Wanfang has been the shortest, but the current magazine Wanfang has been the best. Many journals of Wip have disappeared in the past two years, especially medical journals.

2. Clarity of documents: Wanfang is the highest, and Wipp is the worst.

3. Ease of use: HowNet is about the same as Wanfang, and Wiap is the worst.

4. Others: Wanfang's periodical browsing function is very good.

Essential comparison:

That is data, because as a database, how is the data resource the most fundamental? In contrast, Wanfang's data resources cover a wider range in this respect, and are stronger than CNKI in terms of keyword distribution and data topics, which cannot be denied. So, in terms of data content, Wanfang has more data resources than CNKI.

In fact, there are many differences between Wanfang Database and CNKI. The convenience of retrieval, the universality of data, and the speed of data collection are quite obvious and also quite different. If we analyze this problem from the perspective of document collection, we will find that Wanfang is better than CNKI.

  • This article is written by Published on November 24, 2022 14:13:56
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