What is the basic process of pr video production? Introduction to pr video editing

With the popularity of dithering, small videos are becoming more and more popular. Many friends want to learn video editing. In fact, the operation of video editing with pr is very simple. In fact, you can do it yourself, even if you have no foundation. However, let's introduce a simple editing process.

Pr Simple introductory editing process

1. Open the pr software. If a new project pops up, click New Project directly.


2. Go to the new project, create a name for the video, and then do nothing. Click OK directly below.


3. Drag the prepared video to the box in the lower left corner of the pr and wait to upload it to the pr. If the video is not in mp4 format, it cannot be dragged in.


4. The video reaches the box in the lower left corner, and then drag it to the box in the lower right corner again.


5. Remember these two things. The above one is video, and the following one is audio. If you don't need to dub your own voice, you can cut it together when editing. If you want to dub, click Audio Delete, use your mobile phone to record your own voice, and then upload it to the local computer. It's OK to import pr from the computer. Let's learn the editing method first!


6. Because some videos may be required to be edited to milliseconds, control the editing time period and click the point in step 1 to adjust it. 2. Move the adjustment point to the position where you want to clip, and drag it back and forth.


7. Click the razor tool, and then use the razor tool to clip the position you have set before. If you need to edit later, just use the same method to edit.


8. After editing, click File - Find Export - Click Media in the upper left corner.


9. Click Media to reach this page, and select Export directly.


10. It takes time to export. When the export is complete, the video is complete. Need to be able to help you.


The above is a brief introduction to the process of pr editing. If you are interested, you can refer to it, especially if you want to try your own video editing.

  • This article is written by Published on November 23, 2022 17:20:50
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