How difficult is it to learn python? Which should I learn first, C++or python

Python is suitable for beginners as the first programming language. Because its syntax is simple and easy to understand, it is not very difficult to learn. Many programming training institutions will also use gimmicks such as easy to learn, proficient in 30 days, and getting 20K a month after learning to market. Maybe for students of this major, it takes minutes to get started, but it takes time to learn it thoroughly.


How difficult is it to learn python?

Not difficult

Python has a wide range of uses. Different programmers use it in different fields. Different programmers package their code into libraries for other programmers to use, so as to reduce the number of wheels. The use of various libraries, in addition to the flexibility, readability, and writability of Python itself, is used by more and more people.

Only learning the basic Python language can not solve the problems in actual work. You need to learn other relevant knowledge vertically and horizontally, such as many excellent Python frameworks: numpy, pandas, django, etc. Horizontal learning includes database operation command, editor use, regular expression, json format conversion, front-end foundation, etc.

Choose a learning direction. The main purpose of learning Python is to solve problems with a language, not to understand the language. There are many application directions of Python. After learning the basic knowledge of Python, different application directions have different requirements; Although Python needs systematic learning, when learning Python, you still need to determine the direction you are interested in in advance. Targeted learning is more important.

Plan the learning route. After you have determined your own development direction, the next step is to learn along the direction and establish your own learning route. There should be a systematic learning path, what goals need to be achieved, what knowledge needs to be learned, and what knowledge needs to be understood. In this way, each time you learn a part, you can have actual results output, and the output of results can encourage the next step of learning.

Reasonably plan the time, plan your own learning time, what is your daily progress, and how many hours of learning every day need to be determined in advance. If you plan and plan to learn, you will have unexpected gains if you stick to it. For novice Xiaobai who wants to learn Python basics, Python crawlers, web development, big data, data analysis, artificial intelligence and other technologies more easily, here we share system teaching resources with you, and add me V: itz992 [Tutorial/Tools/Methods/Troubleshooting]

To develop programs with any programming language is to make computers work. At present, there are many popular programming languages, such as the difficult C language, the common Java language, the Basic language suitable for beginners, the JavaScript language suitable for web page programming, etc. Python is a computer programming language suitable for beginners.

Which should I learn first, C++or python?

For non computer majors, the most important thing to learn programming is to maintain interest, not to tangle with the problem of skill tree.

As for whether to learn C language or Python first, the advice given by more experienced programmers is:

Python is easy to learn (of course, the language itself is not that simple), has a highly interactive development environment, and many third-party libraries. It will be much more fun to learn than C/C++.

Every professional programmer should learn, or understand C more or less.

However, C is too low-level and focuses on memory operations. Its functions are very complex to implement, and it is not suitable for use as a beginner language.

In addition, Python has scientific computing libraries such as Numpy and Scipy, and data presentation libraries such as Matplotlib. From the perspective of research, Python has the potential to become a powerful tool for you.

In this era of rapid development of the Internet, every application we see is supported by programming. Even though it uses different languages, it is the same in the end. This also leads to more and more small partners wanting to enter the IT industry. However, we do not know which language to choose, but in fact, no matter which language to choose, The foundation is the most important.

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