[APP recommendation] Baidu Conscience! Low profile simple search APP: refreshing without advertising

The Internet has already surpassed television as the world's largest advertising media. Baidu's core revenue mainly comes from search advertising revenue, accounting for more than 90% of revenue.

If Baidu launches a cool search app without advertising, that's enough conscience, but Baidu does have such an app, called "Simple Search".

 [APP recommendation] Baidu Conscience! Low profile simple search APP: refreshing without advertising

It is reported that this product was launched in July 2017 in a low profile, and has never been promoted but has accumulated many users. The official website shows that "the most comfortable search experience will be given to you with simplicity and complexity.".

Open the APP and no commercial advertisement has been found. In addition to the original version, the settings also support switching to star co branded version and children's version to provide personalized search experience.

 [APP recommendation] Baidu Conscience! Low profile simple search APP: refreshing without advertising


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