How can I disassociate an Apple ID from another? How to view each other's privacy when sharing one ID

 lihan November 18, 2022 17:17:20 operating system comment one hundred and fifty-nine Reading mode

Every Apple phone will have an Apple ID, and only this ID account can use multiple software. Apple ID can also be associated, so that others can see their own information, but they think their privacy has been seen, so they want to cancel the association. Do you know how to disassociate Apple ID from another step? Let's take a look at the specific tutorial.


How to disassociate an Apple ID from another

1. If two iPhones use the same ID account and do not want to synchronize with each other, you need to set iCloud synchronization settings.

2. Click to enter the mobile phone settings - iCloud. All information synchronization is converted through iCloud, so you can turn off the data function that does not need to synchronize with each other in iCloud. If you want to share with each other, you can keep it turned on to synchronize information.

3. All information can only be synchronized with all options in iCloud, and those not in iCloud synchronization options will not be synchronized.

4. If the two iPhones want to completely cancel the association, just log off the iCloudid account. How to do this: click Set - icloud - Logout and change a new appleid to break the relationship between the two.

How to view each other's privacy when sharing one ID

The iPhone ID activates FaceTime. If you don't sync your number and photos to iCourt, the other party won't see them. Once you activate these. ICould will automatically synchronize, and then you log in to another phone, and those data will automatically run to the other phone. If two mobile phones use one ID at the same time, there will be synchronized information on both mobile phones. If you want to see the privacy of the other party, set iCould. Open all these inside, and he will automatically synchronize.

1. Step 1: We need to unlock our iPhone, find "Settings", and click to enter, as shown in the figure.

2. Step 2: Next, we will enter our own ID interface in the "Settings" interface, where we will find an option of "iCloud". As shown in the figure.

3. Step 3: Click in to turn off some of our own applications, such as address book, photos, etc., which involve privacy. As shown in the figure.

4. Step 4: After setting, cancel sharing information, so that our information will not be seen by people with the same ID as us.

Precautions for Apple Mobile Phone Sharing Apple ID

Turn off iCloud synchronization

First of all, we need to turn off the iCloud data synchronization on Apple phones. If you and your family use the same Apple ID, Apple will synchronize your corresponding phone settings through iCloud. Then you will find that there are many applications using iCloud, such as photos, contacts, memos and other application information will be synchronized, so the editor recommends that you turn off these synchronization settings to prevent disclosure or inexplicable deletion. If you need to synchronize these information between different Apple devices, you can enable this function.

The specific operation steps are to click "Settings Apple ID iCloud" on the iPhone in turn to turn off the corresponding synchronization application functions. In addition, the photo synchronization function needs to be operated in another setting. Just turn it off in the "Settings - Photos - iCloud Photos" of the iPhone to prevent iCloud from automatically uploading photo information in the corresponding device. As long as these functions are turned off, iCloud cannot synchronize data between devices.

Turn off APP synchronization function

In addition, when using the same Apple ID, we also need to turn off the APP synchronization function of the corresponding device. If you do not turn off this function setting, when you use this Apple ID to download applications, another Apple device using the same Apple ID will receive the corresponding information about downloading applications. Therefore, we just need to click to open the "Settings iTunes Store and App Store - Auto Download Project Applications and Updates" on the iPhone in order to close it.

Turn off SMS iMessage and call synchronization

If you use the same Apple ID and don't want your family to see your iMessage, you can only turn off the iMessage function completely. Otherwise, Apple devices using the same Apple ID will receive corresponding iMessage messages. We just need to click to open the "Settings - SMS - iMessage" of the iPhone in turn and turn it off completely.

If you want to close the association, you can refer to the above steps, so that another phone can not see your privacy. However, you need to pay attention to several precautions when using ID. I hope the above content can help you.

  • This article is written by Published on November 18, 2022 17:17:20
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