Where is Pinduoduo Auto Reply Tool? How to set up automatic feedback for praise in Pinduoduo

With the popularity of the competition, countless people have also been attracted. For many people, it is naturally feasible to make money here. But at the same time, under the fierce competition, it is not easy to get a piece of cake. Therefore, it is important to master certain skills and even make good use of what tools.


How can Pinduoduo set up automatic feedback for positive reviews?

Step 1: First, we open Pinduoduo merchant version and log in to Pinduoduo merchant background (as shown in the figure).

Step 2: After successful login, go to Pinduoduo background home page to find "Duoduo Customer Service" and click "Message Settings" (as shown in the figure).

Step 3: After entering the message setting page, click "Robot reply setting". Then you can edit the question auto reply and order auto reply (as shown in the figure).

Where does Pinduoduo auto reply change?

1. Log in to the merchant account

2. Enter Pinduoduo workbench

3. Find the icon of [Application Center]

4. Click [Message Setting] in the [Customer Service] column

5. When you see the automatic reply of [Opening remarks and FAQs], you can set your own opening vernacular terms and automatic reply of various questions

6. Add the questions you want to add and the automatic reply content, and finally click [OK]

7. Set the prologue and check the automatic reply to be enabled (up to 10 questions can be added and up to 5 of them can be enabled), and finally click [Save and Publish] to successfully set.

Here are some customer reception skills for your reference.

1. Set up an automatic response. The content should not be lengthy, but mainly promote the current promotion information.

2. Reply quickly and make good use of emoticons.

3. Don't wait for the customer to ask what to answer, but more proactive questions, such as "what color do you like, what specifications do you need, and what purpose do you use?".

4. For customers who say "think it over and see it again", they can take the initiative to follow up after a while and ask how to consider or whether they need other products. If such customers don't follow up, they will not close the deal. If they follow up, they have at least half the chance.

5. Don't prevaricate or express vaguely, which may cause customers to have more concerns.

6. If there is still no payment after a period of time, the payment shall be urged in time, and the customer shall be urged to make payment as soon as possible by asking the buyer whether there is any payment problem, or reminding the delivery time, inventory shortage, etc.

7. Farewell: thank you+welcome to visit the store more+satisfactory comments.

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Maybe many people don't understand Pinduoduo's automatic response, but this function is very important for merchants, but it needs to be set by merchants themselves. If you don't know how to set it, you can refer to the above steps.

  • This article is written by Published on November 17, 2022 14:01:15
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/12220.html
