[Audio resources] In the era of paying for knowledge, we provide 8.9 gigabytes of free books every day. Baidu Cloud

[Audio resources] In the era of paying for knowledge, we provide 8.9 gigabytes of free books every day. Baidu Cloud

Now the Internet has become a payment era. Any audio will cost hundreds of silver. I found one today when I wandered around, and I moved it to share it with my friends in need.


 [Audio resources] In the era of paying for knowledge, we provide 8.9 gigabytes of free books every day. Baidu Cloud


Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16CZf83Ufp8jazSwRf7EtEQ Password: p404


It is easy to become yellow and fast to survive. It is the stone of the mountain. If it fails, it will not be replenished.

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