Why was Bexin app taken off the shelf? What happened to Bexin recently

Bexin app believes that many people have played this software, but this software seems to be off the shelf. At present, users are unable to log in. Many people are very skeptical about why this software is off the shelf, and what is the reason? Let's take a look at why the Beside app was taken off the shelf?


Is it true that Bi Xin played with her off the shelf

It is reported that many play with apps, including "Bixin", "Companion" and "Little Deer", have been taken off the shelves of the whole platform (or temporarily). Once this news was revealed, many netizens said that their mobile phone stores had indeed been unable to search for apps related to play with apps..

It is strange that even though most of the game playing apps were taken off the shelves, there was no response from the official channels in terms of "competition", "school", "cattle worship", etc. The vast majority of users and people in the game industry panicked when they saw the sudden and no signs of being taken off the shelves.


Why is Bexin app taken off the shelf

The reason for its removal is that there are many accounts using vulgar and soft pornographic information to induce minors to participate in playing games, and to induce players to place orders. The Shanghai Cyberspace Office and the public security department inspected the media exposure problem and found that there were serious hidden dangers in the play business in the Bexin APP. According to the deployment of relevant departments, BEIXIN APP has been taken off the shelves in major app stores in China. This means that the function of "playing with others" of Bexin APP will be permanently closed.

① The software has violations. Or some users spread bad content through the software.

② The number of users downloading and using the software is small. As a result, the benefits of software become less and less.

③ It may be lack of funds or technology. When the software fails. Timely reply if the software is not available. As a result, a large number of users are lost.

BEXIN APP is a mainstream game entertainment sparring software, which is loved by many people, but affected by the minors' network protection policy, BEXIN APP was taken off the shelf indefinitely. I am quite familiar with the application of comparison. When watching the live broadcast, many anchor spots play games from the perspective of comparison. There are many talented people on it.

  • This article is written by Published on November 15, 2022 17:09:57
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