What's wrong with the maintenance of Apple mobile phone battery display? How to eliminate battery display maintenance

 shenxiaocen November 15, 2022 13:43:10 Mobile applications comment four hundred and twenty-six Reading mode

As we all know, the capacity of the mobile phone battery will also decrease as the use of the mobile phone goes on, and sometimes it will need to be charged many times a day. So many users always don't know how to deal with this situation, so what about the maintenance of the Apple mobile phone battery display? How to eliminate battery display maintenance


What's wrong with the maintenance of Apple mobile phone battery display?

First: battery problem

1. The battery of the original mobile phone is not installed correctly, or the battery itself is damaged, which will also cause the battery health display "maintenance"

2. This is caused by the use of a third-party battery for mobile phone replacement. For iPhone XR and later models, Apple has encrypted the mobile phone battery.

The second type: motherboard problems

Poor contact of the battery detection pin on the motherboard and incorrect reading of battery data will also cause the battery health display "maintenance".

Check whether the components connected to the battery detection pin, the charging output voltage and the working conditions of the charging chip are normal, and further determine the problem point according to the inspection results. This kind of hardware problem is recommended to be sent to a professional repair shop for inspection and maintenance.

How to eliminate battery display maintenance?

1. Check the battery health in the battery health function, and "maintenance" will be displayed.

2. In general, the system can detect the use of non original batteries, and then prompt for "maintenance", which means that the official batteries need to be replaced.

3. If the mobile phone battery fails to charge or consumes too much power, the battery needs to be replaced.

How to maintain the battery:

1. The vehicle shall not be parked for a long time. If the vehicle needs to be parked for a long time, the engine must be started regularly. It is better to drive the vehicle for a period of time to charge the battery;

2. If there is no way to start the vehicle to recharge the battery, and the vehicle must be parked for a long time, the positive and negative connecting wires of the battery can be pulled out before parking. Note the sequence of removing the positive and negative connecting wires. First pull the negative wire, then pull the positive wire. In connection and installation, the reverse is true. Connect the positive pole first and then the negative pole.

The above is related to the battery of mobile phones. In fact, it is normal for mobile phones to display various words reminding of insufficient battery capacity under frequent use. Although many users will be worried or even at a loss, there is no need to worry too much, just eliminate or replace the battery.

  • This article is written by Published on November 15, 2022 13:43:10
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