Can users file be deleted? How to clean files in users

 lihan November 14, 2022 17:17:05 operating system comment one hundred and eighty-eight Reading mode

Users file is a file in every computer, which can store many files. It is very helpful when using the computer. When the users file is full, it can be sorted and cleared, and then it can be used normally. Many people do not know that users file can be deleted? How to clean files in users? Let's take a look.


Can users file be deleted

In principle, the users folder cannot be deleted. If you delete the users folder, all the data under your users will be lost, or even the system cannot be started. The consequences are very serious. If the Users folder is too full, I suggest using computer management software, such as 360, to clean the C disk. During the cleaning process, temporary and junk files in the Users folder will be automatically cleaned up.

The users folder of c disk cannot be found


1. Open the computer, click Open Disk C, and then click Folder and Search Options under the Organization menu;

2. Click the View tab, remove the check from the list below to hide protected operating system files, click to display hidden files, folders and drives, and click OK;

3. When you return to disk c, you will see a folder named Users, which is the Users folder.

How to clean files in users

1. Open Computer Desktop, double-click to enter My Computer.

2. Click to enter [Disk C] and find [User Folder] to delete the large folder.

3. Return to the disk interface, right-click and select Disk c - Properties.

4. On the pop-up page, click the Disk Cleanup menu on the right.

5. After scanning is completed, check Folder and click OK.

6. Then you can click to open [360 Security Guard] and click to select [Computer Cleanup].

7. Select [Single item cleaning] on the right to retrieve large files for cleaning.

Users files cannot be deleted. If they are full, they can be cleaned. After cleaning, they can be used normally. If you do not know how to clean the files in users, please refer to the above steps.

  • This article is written by Published on November 14, 2022 17:17:05
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