Why can't Twitter read comments? How to view others' comments on Twitter

Although the video of tiktok is popular on overseas platforms in recent years, in addition, Twitter is also used by many users. It is equivalent to a domestic microblog, which can be seen here regardless of the size of life, and shared with friends to watch together. However, many users can't see comments when using it. What's the matter?


Why can't Twitter read comments?

If you look at other people's replies, you can see whether they have comments under your status. If there is no other person below, you can't see the replies.

How does Twitter view other people's comments?

1. When we open our Twitter, many people will directly click on this information icon to view comments. We click on this "information" icon.


2. We immediately entered a comment editing interface, where we could not see other users' comments. Yes, the settings of Twitter are different from those of other social platforms.

3. If I want to view other users' comments, we need to click this article.


4. After clicking Go, we can open the article, and you will see many comments below the article.

5. If you want to comment on this article, you can click the "Info" icon.


6. Then we can edit the content you want to comment on. After editing, click "Reply" to comment.


7. Let's refresh and take a look at the comments, and you will see the comments you have sent.

The biggest attraction of Twitter lies in its short content, wide audience, finding information and keeping social contact with others. It can be said that it is a channel to know the world's astronomy and geography, or it can be said that it is a more common social media. After attracting countless people to join, it has naturally become a more popular platform.

  • This article is written by Published on September 5, 2023 09:55:58
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/12105.html
