[Public account operation] worth 99 yuan | create a profitable public account Baidu Cloud Disk with zero base


[Public account operation] worth 99 yuan | create a profitable public account Baidu Cloud Disk with zero base
 [Public account operation] worth 99 yuan | create a profitable public account Baidu Cloud Disk with zero base


Course summary

1. Yang Kunlong's experience and methods in building a megaphone for many times since he started his career

2. All opinions and solutions fed back by trainees during multiple internal tests

3. The most cutting-edge research results of public account positioning, operation, fan increase and cash flow

4. All basic operations used in the operation of public accounts, including typesetting and pushing

 [Public account operation] worth 99 yuan | create a profitable public account Baidu Cloud Disk with zero base


Download address

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rhqE650dk2aFFbGafImmcQ Password: 1lcc

It is easy to become yellow and fast to survive. It is the stone of the mountain. If it fails, it will not be replenished.

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