Skills for remote cancellation of telecom cards. What will happen if telecom cards are not used and not cancelled

 lihan November 8, 2022 17:25:43 operating system comment one hundred and sixty-six Reading mode

With the rapid development of the times, many people now have mobile phones, and the installation of mobile phone cards is normal use. Telecom cards are very popular, and the process of handling telecom cards is also very simple. Successful handling will have a unique telecom card. What is the process of remote cancellation of telecom cards? Let's take a look.


Can the telecom card be cancelled online

No, you must go to the telecom business hall to cancel your phone number.

China Telecom's mobile phone card can only be cancelled in the business hall where the number belongs, and it does not support cancellation in other places. If you need to cancel your mobile phone card, you need to take the original ID card of the owner of the phone to the business hall where the number belongs to go through the account cancellation procedures. It does not support account cancellation in other places.

Conditions for cancellation of telecom card

Take your ID card and the telecom card that needs to be cancelled to the local China Telecom business office to go through the cancellation procedures. When canceling the telecom card, if the card number is in arrears, you need to pay the arrears first before continuing to cancel the business. Before cancellation, confirm whether the business you have handled has expired. Some contract businesses and business functions have service life. If the life time has not expired, you cannot cancel the business.

Impact of non cancellation of real name telephone cards:

1. Monthly cumulative billing. If the mobile phone card is not cancelled, the monthly fees will continue to be incurred, and there will be additional late fees, which will add up all the arrears.

2. It has been blacklisted for more than three months. After one month of arrears, your ID card will be shut down, and your ID card will be blacklisted.

Telecom Card Cancellation Tutorial

Telecom card is the card issued by China Telecom, which can generally be a recharge payment card, mobile phone card, laptop network card, etc. Recharge payment cards generally include payment cards made of copper sheet paper, and payment cards made of PVC material. Mobile phone card is a chip card that can be taken out of the PVC card, also called CDMA card, and can be placed on the mobile phone. The plastic part of the wireless network card is made of PVC and ABS materials.

To cancel a China Telecom card, you need to take the ID card of the person who handled the card, that is, you, and then go to the telecom business hall to cancel it. In addition, you need to take a telecommunications card. These are very important. If you are not yourself, or forget to bring your ID card, you cannot cancel.

At present, non local cancellation has been implemented in some regions, but not in some regions. Therefore, it is recommended to call customer service to inquire. If it is non local cancellation, you can call the telecom business office over there to inquire whether it is possible to cancel non local cancellation, and if so, what materials are needed. Say hello in advance and then go to handle it.

What will happen if the telecom card is not cancelled

1. If the telecom card number is not used, the system will continue to deduct the package fee for at least one month. During this period, if the user does not actively cancel and pay off the arrears, the amount of arrears will be kept in the account all the time, and a late fee will be charged 3 months later.

Generally, after a prepaid user owes for the first time, the system will only deduct the fees required for this package, not add up by month. The system will only deduct the package fees of the current month after the user has paid the last arrears; Later paying users are calculated according to their credit limit, and the amount of arrears after stopping use may involve 1 to 3 months of package fees. Therefore, when calculating the amount of arrears, it is necessary to distinguish the difference between pre payment and post payment.

2. The telecom card number in arrears will be automatically cancelled three months later, and the number will be returned to the number pool for other users to choose from. However, the original user who uses the number will be blacklisted by the system, and will not be able to continue using the telecom product in the future.

If you want to cancel the telecom card, you can go to the local business office with your ID card. The process is very simple. If you don't use it, you can cancel it. If you really don't use it, you are recommended to cancel it.

  • This article is written by Published on November 8, 2022 17:25:43
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