How much is the public account worth for 10000 readings? There are several ways to realize the public account

 lihan November 7, 2022 17:37:50 Network operation comment one hundred and seventy-seven Reading mode

With the rapid development of the Internet, many people are doing the work of the Internet now, whether it is short videos or public accounts, all of them are for the purpose of realization. Realization does not mean that it can be realized. Every platform has rules and needs to continue to do so. Those who can persist will have more gains. How much is the public account worth for 10000 readers? Let's have a look.


How much is the public account worth for 10000 readings

As we all know, the reading volume of the public account is unprofitable, but it can increase the number of fans when reaching a popular article. For example, an article written on the public account combined with social hot spots has achieved millions of reading volume.

Then the public account will have more influence when it is exposed and promoted, so it will be easier to accumulate the attention of fans. Many millions of reading bloggers have increased thousands of fans in this way at one time. When the number of fans increases, when a business wants to negotiate cooperation with the blogger, the huge number of fans is the basis of income.

For example, for 100000 real fans, an advertisement may cost more than 5000 yuan, and the number of fans is 1 million, so it is normal for an advertisement on a public account to cost more than 20000 yuan. It depends mainly on the overall number of fans of the blogger, the influence of the public account, and popularity to determine the amount of advertising expenses.

What is the value of 10000 public accounts? One thing is certain. As long as your reading volume increases, the number of fans is also increasing. When there is business cooperation, you can raise the price, and there is also room to negotiate the price. So what bloggers need to do is to constantly absorb high-quality content, output high-quality articles, and insist on outputting such articles, which will make your income higher.

There are several ways to realize the public account

1. Flow main

When the number of fans of the public account reaches 500, the traffic master can be opened. In fact, it is in the form of CPC. How much is the click. When a reader clicks an advertisement while reading an article, he or she will earn money. Generally, if a reader clicks an advertisement once, the account owner will earn a few cents to one yuan.

When a traffic leader pushes an article, he can display the advertisement in the body or at the bottom of the article. If there are many fans, the income is good.

However, it is suggested that traffic owners can display advertisements at the bottom of the article without affecting the reading experience of readers.

2. Reward from fans

As long as the account owner publishes three original articles, he or she can open the "appreciation function" in the background of the public account. Every time he or she publishes an original article, he or she can create a reward for readers to gain income.

The original articles pushed can be liked by readers, resonate with readers and bring value, and readers will reward the account owner. The quantity of readers' rewards needs high-quality original content output to bring value to readers.

3. Advertising revenue

Generally, if your public account article push can reach an average reading of more than 500, there will be Jinzhu's father coming to you. Pay according to the amount of headline reading. Similar to the CPV mode, a vertical account can be given at least 1 yuan for each reading, and an ordinary account can be given 0.3 to 0.5 yuan.

Even if there is no Jinzhu's father, he can take the initiative to attack. Now there are many platforms that can receive public account advertisements. However, the unit price of advertising received by the platform will be lower. After all, middlemen need to earn a price difference.

4. E-commerce realization

If the domain of the public account is vertical, e-commerce can also be realized. For example, if you are a public account for mothers and babies, and have your own source of goods, you can sell your own products, such as children's clothing, complementary food, toys, etc. through Youzan Mall, applet, WeChat window, etc.

5. Community realization

The community realization here mainly refers to the paid community, which is realized through knowledge. If your public account is professional, you can create a paid community, and fans will pay first when they join.

Of course, the leader must have real materials, otherwise he will become a scallop, and this will not last long.

Now there are many such paid community platforms, such as knowledge planet, rice ball, and you can also create your own paid WeChat groups.

6. Target realization

If you have your own project, you can also realize it through WeChat official account. Fans can obtain benefits through public accounts, and account owners can earn from them.

If you don't have your own projects, there are many social e-commerce apps, many of which are in the form of agents, and can also be realized from them. At ordinary times, you can pay more attention to the APP list of each major application market. Of course, the premise is formal, which brings true benefits to fans. Fans cannot be regarded as leeks.

The amount of public account reading cannot be realized. There are many ways to realize it, which is still very profitable. As long as your articles are of good quality, have high-quality content, and see more people, the amount of money will be more. I have worked on public accounts before, and can earn a lot of money every day. As long as I persist, I can earn more money.

  • This article is written by Published on November 7, 2022 17:37:50
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