Downloaded Twitter but failed to register? Detailed Tutorial Steps for Twitter Domestic Download Registration

With the rapid development of the Internet, the function of Twitter is also gradually improving. Through Twitter, you can learn more content and make life better. Sharing interesting stories on Twitter will be seen by more people. Recently, a lot of friends said they downloaded Twitter but couldn't register? Let's find out the specific reasons.


How could Twitter fail to register

1. The failure of Twitter registration may be due to the poor network. You can disconnect the mobile phone traffic and try the wireless network to see if it can be registered normally.

2. It is likely that the Twitter installation package we downloaded is damaged. You can try uninstalling it and then downloading and installing it again.

3. If the above situation cannot be solved, we can consider whether the mobile phone number we used when registering has been disabled or is down, so we can not receive the verification code, and we can try to use the email to register.

Solution for Twitter registration failure

1. Uninstall the APP and clear the cache.

The simplest thing is to first uninstall the Twitter APP in the phone, clear all cached data, and then download it back. If you are a computer login user, you should pay special attention to clearing all cached data in the browser first, and then try to login to a new account again. This method is similar to the way we usually use computers. In order to prevent the computer from jamming, we will regularly clean the computer memory, so that the computer is not prone to failure. So, in order to prevent the Twitter account from being blocked, we do the same thing.

2. Change the mobile phone number or email address.

When registering a Twitter account, if you find that your mobile phone number cannot be registered, you can choose to use the communication mailbox. But remember, try not to use domestic digital mailboxes. The success rate of registration with g-mail or international mailboxes such as 126 and 136 is higher. If the Twitter account is accidentally frozen, you can change your mobile phone number to re register your Twitter account. Because the account registered with the same mobile phone number was previously frozen due to violation of rules, you can now re register. Twitter detects that this is a re opened small account through mobile phone number comparison, so it is also easy to be blocked for seconds.

3. Replace with a new IP.

We have to admire the current big data. Once the system matches, we will know whether to open a small number. So when we use Twitter, we should know how to avoid some of the most basic details. Twitter is blocked mostly because it violates the rules of Twitter. Of course, many people will say that I don't do anything. How can I be blocked? This is because our IP is unstable, or the IP we are using is also used by others. This is called a fire at the city gate, which will bring disaster to the fish in the pond! If the system judges that the IP is risky, it will be frozen together. Therefore, we need to replace a new node and do not log in to a new account using the previous node. Because our account is frozen, many times you don't know whether it is your violation or the node IP is not clean, so you'd better change the node if you can.

4. Active dynamics within an appropriate range.

Do not add a large number of friends and attention to the newly registered number at once, and do not tweet or like it too frequently. This is an obvious suspicion of whitewashing and is easy to be identified as a robot by the Twitter system. Use compliant avatar, background picture, compliance profile, and do not infringe on some well-known brand trademarks and other information. In addition, it should also be noted that you should not repeat comments on the same content frequently, especially for star chasing girls who love to comment on idols.

At the same time, it is necessary to log in frequently to maintain the normal login frequency. Do not log in frequently, but it is also necessary to log in frequently. Generally speaking, the frequency of logging in once a day or twice a day is normal.

How to register on Twitter in China?

As for how to register on Twitter, I have written a more detailed tutorial before. It may have been a long time, and the ranking has declined. To be honest, Twitter registration is really simple, but there are still so many people who can't register. And we also encountered various problems when we registered.

For example, how do Chinese mobile phones register for Twitter? When registering for Twitter, they cannot receive verification codes. The main reason is that they are not careful enough, and the link used is slow and unsafe, which will lead to registration failure.

The following are the detailed steps of how to register Twitter:

1. Open Twitter official website

Many people can't even find the official Twitter website, which is really speechless. Sometimes they register directly with Twitter APP, and it is recommended to register with a browser (some people don't even know what the browser is). The official website address is:

It doesn't matter whether you use your mobile phone to register Twitter or your computer to register Twitter. After opening the official website, some people may have Chinese interfaces, and some may have English interfaces, but it doesn't matter. Just click Register directly. Or it can be set to Chinese. Find the settings in the upper right corner.

2. Fill in the registration information. The mobile terminal, APP and computer terminal are the same

3. Fill in the basic registration information (the date of birth should be more than 18 years old, otherwise it will limit many of the content you want to see), and go on to the next step

4. Enter the received verification code

5. Set a Twitter password

6. Upload your avatar

7. Introduce yourself and fill in the self introduction

8. Select the fields you are interested in

9. Select the person you like (will lead and recommend relevant celebrities according to the previously selected interest)

10. After successful registration, you can register here normally, and then log in to the account to set up. However, because of Twitter security problems, it will be mistaken for machine operation, so that the following situation can occur.

First, check the reason why Twitter can't be registered. If you really don't know, you can uninstall and download again. If you use Twitter in China, you can download and register according to the above steps. They can all be used normally. There are many users of Twitter in China, so check the information above.

  • This article is written by Published on November 3, 2022 17:45:08
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