What should I learn first to get started with Java programming? Which is more promising, java or php

In this network era, the rapid development of the Internet is obvious to all, and programming languages are diversified in every software application technology. This is good news for many friends who are interested in and interested in this development. But many people do not know which one to choose, or even what to learn first.


What should I learn first to get started with Java programming?

The first stage is Java Foundation. Through learning the basic stage, learners can understand the positioning and development plan of Java EE development engineers, and encourage learners to prepare for the battle;

The second stage is JavaWeb, which is an advanced stage. Learners can master the basic syntax, data types and various operators of Java, and start to write some programs related to operations;

The third stage is the Java framework. The framework is another way to store data in the program. It is more flexible than using arrays directly to store data. It is widely used in projects. At the same time, we will deeply study the data structure and algorithm involved in it, which has a qualitative improvement on the technical depth of learners;

The fourth stage Java+cloud data, 100 million level concurrent architecture evolution, Linux foundation, building tomcat environment, big data development cloud computing and other advanced Java tutorials are high-end knowledge of Java technology. It is interspersed with project practice drills, real projects for learners to apply and learn, and "secondary learning" of knowledge system.

Which is more promising, java or php

PHP This language can be integrated with other databases, such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Informix. For example, Facebook, one of the largest social media platforms, uses PHP. Wikipedia, WordPress and Yahoo are more complete and powerful examples of PHP. Its future is bright. If you want to learn this language, please contact the technical skills training company. Even if you learn it, you may also gain some good work experience.

Java is another major coding language for application and software development. It is usually used in Web applications, server applications, Android applications, science applications, websites, embedded space, big data technology and games. Java is also the most suitable coding language for developing excellent mobile applications, because it provides cross platform compatibility.

To sum up, PHP is easy to understand, easy to get started, and fast to master. It is more suitable for those students who have no basic knowledge. Java is relatively difficult. The content system is difficult to master. It is suitable for students with a certain computer foundation to learn. Both of them have good employment and development prospects.

In fact, we all know that PHP and Java are excellent foundations for various applications, software and other IT products. But how to choose and which language to choose still depends on the individual, but it will also feel the direction of your career development.

  • This article is written by Published on November 3, 2022 13:58:17
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