How does Apple arcade subscribe in China? Arcade registration and subscription methods

 lihan October 27, 2022 16:48:16 operating system comment one hundred and ninety-two Reading mode

In 2019, Apple released the launch of Apple Arcade service, mainly to establish a library for players to play any game they want. Paid games only need to pay a fixed amount of money every month to play all games, which is very convenient for game lovers. How to subscribe to Apple Arcade?

Apple arcade在中国怎么订阅?Arcade注册及订阅方法

Apple Arcade Subscription Price

The subscription price of Apple Arcade is 4.99 dollars (about 35 yuan) per month, and it can be used for free trial in the first month (provided that there is a balance of 4.99 dollars or more in the account for free trial for one month). It can be shared by up to five families. Moreover, Apple promises that there is no advertisement for the games in Apple Arcade, and there is no internal purchase.

Apple Arcade Subscription Preparation

Arcade subscription needs to meet the following conditions to complete the subscription:

1. The device needs to be upgraded to iOS13 system

2. Need an Apple Id in the US (if not, you can register or buy one)

After completing the above operations, you can subscribe to Arcade Arcade.

Registration method

No more nonsense. First, open in a computer browser, at the bottom of the page, and see if the U.S. area is displayed (there is a U.S. flag). If not, please click the flag to select the United States. If yes, directly click Manage Your Apple ID in the Account.

After entering the web page, click Create your Apple ID, and then fill in the information. Please apply with an email address that has never registered an appleid, and the other address should be United States.

After receiving the Apple verification code in the email, fill in the verification code here. Since the account has been registered, but further activation is required. Now open the App Store application in your iPhone, turn to the bottom, there is a box showing Apple ID (your current Apple account), click back to the existing account, and press "Use the existing Apple ID" to log in with the newly registered iD.

Then you will be prompted that the account has never been used in the iTunes Store, and you need to further check the information, click "Check"

Then select United States

Then go to the page of selecting payment method in Account Setting, and select None. Then in the payment information, although the Internet search for a few American addresses and zip codes to fill in a fool can be. (Try to find the address in Oregon, because it is tax-free)

Submit the information. Since then, the account of Meiqu App Store that can download the software has been registered.

Then open the App Store, you can see Apple Arcade on the home page of the store, click in, select "Try It Free", and verify your identity according to the prompt to complete the subscription.

Apple Arcade subscription method

1. Go to the App Store or Mac App Store to subscribe to Apple Arcade. The subscription process of Apple Arcade is very similar to that of other applications. Just click Subscribe and enter the Apple ID password.

2. In the internal test, the price of Apple Arcade was $0.49 per month, and Apple also provided an additional month of free trial. It is estimated that after the official release in the autumn, the price of Apple Arcade is likely to be $4.99 per month, which also includes a month of free trial.

3. Introduction to Apple Arcade. Apple Arcade is a "game subscription service". Consumers can play hundreds of exclusive games for free on iPhones, iPads, even Macs and Apple TVs by paying a certain subscription fee (reportedly $4.9/month).

4. The first lineup will include ten games, including Hot Lava, Where Cards Fall, The Pathless, Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Real.

What enlightenment can Arcade bring to the market?

Recently, Steam platform updated the algorithm, which made many independent game developers miserable. In addition, there was not much good news in the whole independent game market in 2019. Therefore, how to make the independent game team have better development space is also a problem that many platforms are considering recently. Apple Arcade has indeed made a guideline to package independent games and attract users through subscription. For the domestic market, there are not many manufacturers that can copy Apple Arcade's service model, such as Tencent, NetEase and TapTap. However, this platform does not need too many. Only two or three of them are enough to give independent developers some opportunities. In addition to the form of packaging, the subscription model is also a new profit model worthy of reference. In this regard, the super members of NetEase and Xiaomi have begun their own exploration. However, the super members of NetEase and Xiaomi are very different from Apple Arcade, but only in the current consumption mode other than buyout and internal purchase, More choices and wait-and-see. Apple Arcade has not been launched in China yet, and its challenger, Google's PlayPass, will not be launched in China, so can domestic players experience such services? Can domestic manufacturers work together to do this? Needless to say, this kind of thing mostly falls on giants, so who will be the first?

Arcade has a large market demand. Users who like to play games can register and subscribe. They can play all games with a fixed monthly deduction. It's very convenient. I believe you have learned it.

  • This article is written by Published on October 27, 2022 16:48:16
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