A complete set of elementary, intermediate and advanced project courses of a customer network project course download Baidu Cloud Disk

A complete set of elementary, intermediate and advanced project courses of a customer network project course download Baidu Cloud Disk

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 A complete set of elementary, intermediate and advanced project courses of a customer network project course download Baidu Cloud Disk


Learning basis: programming basis of any language

Teaching method: video+homework+teaching assistant answering questions+project practice

Teaching language: Python

Contents of Primary Project Courses

Section 1: Introduction to development tools and Python language

Section 2: Getting Started with Flask Framework, Using Templates and Flask Script

Section 3: Database interaction and use of flask sqlalchemy extension

Section 4: User registration login management and use of flash login extension

Section 5: Local image upload, flask uploads extension and the use of Qiniu cloud storage sdk

Section 6: Flask project testing and deployment, course summary and review


Download link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5zezop


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