What about Guan Suzhe's courses? 30 effective questions from Guan Suzhe

 shenxiaocen October 24, 2022 13:51:21 electronic text comment one hundred and eighty-one Reading mode

Nowadays, in all walks of life, both large enterprises and small enterprises need business consultants. It can be said that the role of business consultants in enterprises is so large and obvious. It can not only solve problems for companies, but also solve problems for consumers. How about the reputation of Su Zhe's courses? Let's take a look.


What about Guan Suzhe's courses?

Guan Suzhe, the president coach of Weishida, occasionally saw his video on Tiaoyin, which attracted him to his understanding of the nature of things and the final decision. He felt that it was very suitable for ordinary work, which was very suitable for managers and entrepreneurs to learn.

Famous leadership coaches personally teach that personal growth precedes enterprise growth. Coach Guan Suzhe, combined with his years of experience as a benchmark enterprise coach, reveals the frontier personalized and experiential leadership growth journey, a scientific management communication system from the front line to senior executives The efficient communication system and theoretical cases of learning materials for multiple leadership communication skills courses, which are essential for small enterprises to reach the world's top 500, are summarized as thinking questions. Learn and practice together to master the core of the course, and give a course package along with the course to help absorb the course content and put it into practice faster!

One course will teach you to build the G knowledge system of NI's cutting-edge coaching leadership. Master the three basic skills of listening, questioning and feedback. Create efficient structured communication force! Develop a leadership style that focuses on people rather than things! Learn to use multiple team management tools suitable for managers at all levels!

30 effective questions from Guan Suzhe

The course directory is:

Guan Suzhe · Stimulate the team's high performance with questions 30 lectures and 199 yuan courses

Guan Suzhe, Essential Skills for Effective Managers (Audio) 199 yuan course

Guan Suzhe, "Six Steps to Improve Skills on How to Make Decisions Quickly", dithering 399

Guan Suzhe: coaching leadership

00 Press Release - Did you really ask the right question mp4

01. Grow up by asking questions – regain the strangled ability to ask questions.mp4

02. The benefits of asking questions – use more question marks than full stops in communication. mp4

03. What is a good question - three tips for asking good questions.mp4

04. Finding Problems – What's the Problem mp4

05. Definition of root problem - finding the essential problem behind the problem.mp4

06. Root cause confirmation - why does this problem.mp4

07. Strategy development – how can this problem be solved mp4

08. Strategy Evaluation - Which Scheme to Choose mp4

09. Implementing actions – how to implement actions mp4

10. Questioning Framework6 Step Cases.mp4

11. Tell the truth and clarify your question.mp4

12. Open the end of the question – why is this question so important mp4

13. Don't ask easily whether it is true – realize the magic of open question.mp4

14.5 WHY Questioning – Finding the Source of the Problem. mp4

15. Problem explosion method – 4-step questioning leads to efficient meeting.mp4

16. Focus on the goal and ask questions in four steps to help the other party sort out the goal. mp4

17. Identify the current problems - Step 4: Ask questions to help the other party clarify the current situation. mp4

18. Open your mind – explore more options.mp4

19. Humble inquiry, sincere feedback – frankly face the disagreement of superior.mp4

20. Ask for advice modestly – get the support of your superior.mp4

21. Ask more why – improve your insight with curiosity. mp4

22. What will happen if... - stimulate your imagination. mp4

23. Innovative questioning – how to ask more questions and make ideas come true. mp4

24. Speak less and listen more – dialogue is not a one-man monologue. mp4

25. Enjoying inquiry – focusing on the other party's advantages rather than challenges. mp4

26. Affinity Dialogue | 5 Ways to Make Communication Deeper and More Effective.mp4

27. Meal adding tool 1 - private board, 7 steps of one-to-one communication. mp4

28. Add Meal Tool 2 - Five step Questioning Framework for Differentiated Competition of Enterprises.mp4

29. Add Meal Tool 3 – 6-step Questioning Method for Building an Efficient Team.mp4

30. Add Meal Tool 4 – Personal Workplace Planning 6-Level Question.mp4

Issue 03: What is the biggest challenge for managers to grow mp4

Issue 05: Poor performance and weak team. How to start from yourself and take the initiative to break the situation mp4

Issue 09: How can managers effectively develop solutions to problems mp4

Issue 13: How Managers Shape High Performance Team.mp4

For each of us, our responsibilities may be different, but there is no denying that some courses on the market can help me improve myself quickly, which is also the significance of the courses.

  • This article is written by Published on October 24, 2022 13:51:21
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