Is it legal to use Facebook in China? Why Facebook can't login in China

 shenxiaocen October 21, 2022 13:59:02 operating system comment two hundred and four Reading mode

Facebook is a popular social platform overseas. For many users, it can publish interesting daily news, updates, photos with friends, etc., and for e-commerce people, it can publish a lot of e-commerce information, product links, etc., which can be realized. However, many users find it troublesome to use the platform in China.


Is it legal to use Facebook in China?

Only Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan can use it. The mainland cannot open it. This is prohibited by the state. Of course, it can be opened by some technical means. WeChat is widely used in China. Facebook is prohibited by the state, and it is released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology through communication that it is not allowed to browse by means.

Wen Ku, Director of the Department of Communication Development of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, responded that the development of the Internet in China must be carried out in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations, and some bad information should be supervised in accordance with Chinese laws. Therefore, with the development of the Internet, new regulatory measures must be taken to keep pace with new situations.

Why can't Facebook login in China?

Sihai: Facebook is a universal social software. People with accounts here can send messages to each other. However, Facebook avoids China. Is it because China has microblog and WeChat? Now let's look at the underlying reasons!

Since it has basically covered more than 80% of the world's countries, Facebook's user growth inevitably began to slow down, and in the world map lit by Facebook users, the biggest black hole was in the east of Asia, that is, more than 600 million potential users (the latest data from CNNIC) had not yet access to Facebook, which is also an emerging market that Facebook must conquer if it wants to maintain the upward curve of share prices, Its significance is no less than that of Moses and the promised land he tried to find.

The so-called "Facebook account opened on Sina Weibo" has revealed more and more flaws. Although this account has not been authenticated, the forwarding recommendation of several Sina executives has convinced many users. But the technology blog PingWest claims to have contacted Facebook's team responsible for China related affairs, The latter made it clear that the microblog account under the banner of Facebook had nothing to do with Facebook.

How long will Facebook temporarily ban login?

Too many Facebook logins usually take about an hour

If the account is closed for the first time and it is a new account, there will be a chance to give priority to the audit. The cycle is about 48 hours. If your account has been blocked for many times and it is an old account, the audit time is from seven days to dozens of days

Stable device login device and IP Do not often use different devices to log into Facebook personal account. Using a stable IP is the first condition.

It is recommended that you do not change your device for at least half a month when you first register. In the future, if you want to use one device to log in to two accounts, it is recommended to use it

The above is about the login of the Facebook platform. In fact, it is not impossible to use the platform. However, compared with domestic software, the registration and login are more complex, and the withdrawal process is more frequent.

  • This article is written by Published on October 21, 2022 13:59:02
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