What does Black Hat SEO mean? Why not use black hat seo

Maybe people who often play SEO know what black hat SEO is. For some people who don't often play websites, it may not be so clear. Black hat SEO mainly uses the loopholes of search engines to gain their own interests, and some means do not meet the regulations. So what does Black Hat SEO mean?


What does black hat SEO mean

Black hat SEO, in short, is to optimize the website in a way prohibited by search engines. Generally, we call it SEO cheating. For example, it is a typical black hat behavior to send messages in groups to increase external connections. Because increasing external links in this way affects the interests of other sites, as well as the rationality and fairness of search engines in ranking websites. Search engines want to stop this practice, so this practice is called black hat. Usually, black hat SEO includes keyword stacking, hidden text, link cheating, mirror website, camouflage, etc.

Common means of black hat SEO technology:

The common means of black hat SEO technology generally include: parasite technology, image technology, PR hijacking technology.

1. Parasite technology

Parasites invade other people's websites, implant parasite programs, and then automatically generate various illegal pages, so as to guide and transport weight for target websites. The reason why it is called a parasite is that it can reproduce indefinitely without interference, which is very terrible!

2. Mirror technology

The image technology generally refers to the image website. It refers to other websites that are basically the same as your website and are synchronized in real time, just like looking in a mirror, so it is called image. Mirror websites can negatively SEO your website, use your content to get a higher ranking, and then turn users to sensitive and illegal content websites.

3. PR hijacking technology

PR hijacking technology generally includes domain name binding hijacking PR method, domain name forwarding hijacking PR method, 301 forwarding hijacking PR method, 302 forwarding hijacking PR method, Iframe hijacking PR method, and concealed ring hijacking PR method. Through PR hijacking technology, websites can quickly reach a high PR value to obtain a higher ranking.

Black hat SEO is different from white hat SEO. White hat SEO pays attention to the long-term interests of the website, and the ranking of websites and keywords is relatively stable, while black hat SEO never considers the long-term interests of the website, but only the immediate interests, so only some profiteering industries will use black hat SEO technology to quickly rank the website to the home page. Even if a website is blocked, there are hundreds of websites, and the cost is very high.

Why not use black hat seo

1. Damage to corporate image

Black hat SEOs use cheating means to frame competitors, buy and sell links privately, and do junk external links and junk content. Although they can obtain traffic, they greatly damage the corporate image and make enterprises and websites notorious. In the information age of rapid development, the old adage that good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles is vividly reflected, and a little negative information will be infinitely amplified and spread, which will only damage the corporate image and reputation, and the gain will not pay the loss.

2. No actual transformation value

Black hat SEO does rubbish outside the chain and rubbish content, which is actually throwing your website into a rubbish pool. Swipe traffic click, buy and sell links, although you can get traffic click and ranking on the surface, but it has no practical significance. The ultimate real purpose of SEO is to transform it into commercial value. This cheating means will not bring actual hits to the website, nor will it bring precise customers and orders to enterprises.

3. Blackened and blocked by search engines

Any trick in the intelligent era can not escape the "eyes" of the search engine, and the black hat SEO method can easily be captured by the engine spider and directly blackmailed and permanently blocked. All the investment and efforts were wasted, which not only failed to bring practical benefits, but ended in nothing.

Black hat SEO is against the rules, which is very risky for the website, so it is not recommended that you use black hat SEO. It is recommended that you go on step by step, so that you can be more confident in your own ability to operate the website.

  • This article is written by Published on October 20, 2022 17:59:52
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/11575.html
