How to unbind the global account of Jedi Survival? A tutorial on the real name authentication of Jedi Survival

 shenxiaocen October 20, 2022 13:54:33 operating system comment six hundred and fifteen five Reading mode

For players who love the game, Jedi Survival Decision is a mobile game that cannot be missed. Jedi Survival is a team combat competitive game. Multiple players are scattered on an island at the same time. Cross country combat and resource grabbing require you to make judgments at any time to win. But many players want to register new accounts. How can you unbind them?


How to unbind the global account of Jedi Survival?

1. Open the official website of the PUBG global account: ; If your Krafton account has not been withdrawn, withdraw from the account first;


2. On the PUBG global account login interface, we select "Steam" to log in quickly;


3. Enter the "Log in to Krafton ID with your Steam account" interface, enter the Steam account and password, and click "Login";


4. If your steam account is bound with a token, enter the token "verification code" on the token verification page and click "Submit";


5. After successful verification, click "Go to Steam" on the token verification success page;

6. In the "Krafton ID is requesting access permission to the following content" option button, we select "Allow";


7. After Steam logs in to Krafton account management platform quickly and successfully, we find Steam binding on the bound platform, and then click "Unbound" on the right;


8. In the pop-up window "Disconnect STEAM from this account" that opens, we select the "Unbound" button, so that your Steam account is successfully unbound from the current Krafton account;


9. After successfully unbinding the Krafton account bound with others, we need to wait 24 hours before logging in to our own Krafton account to bind the Steam account.


This game can give players the ultimate chicken eating experience. It is very enjoyable to play. It is very useful for many players. If you need to log off your account, you can refer to the above steps.

  • This article is written by Published on October 20, 2022 13:54:33
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