What's wrong with the old prompt ID and password of iTunes login? Teach you a quick solution to successfully log in to iTunes

 shenxiaocen October 19, 2022 13:41:50 operating system comment one hundred and fifty-six Reading mode

Many children always jump out and log in to the iTunes store when using their mobile phones. Generally speaking, it is because Apple ID is not logged in. However, many children said that after logging in, they always prompt that the ID password is wrong, but they clearly remember and type it correctly. What is the matter? How to solve it?


What's wrong with the old prompt ID and password of iTunes login?

1. The login Apple ID account or password is entered incorrectly. Please check whether the account and password are entered incorrectly.

2. Log out the logged in Apple ID and log in again.

3. If the account is stolen, you can click Forgot Password, select the verification method (email or security), verify and retrieve the account password, and then log in again.

4. In addition, the password error of the Apple ID account will also occur on unfamiliar Apple devices, and the account will be disabled to protect its security. At this time, even if the password is entered correctly, you will not be able to enter directly. You need to reset the account password once, and then you can access your account.

5. It may also be caused by mobile phone network problems. It is recommended to change other network signals to log in.

When you log in to iTunes, you are always prompted that you cannot find this person?

Method 1:

1. Exit iTunes, unplug the iPhone cable, and disconnect from the computer.

2. Uninstall iTunes. (360 software steward can be used for strong removal)

3. Check the [C: Program Files Common Files Apple] folder and delete it if it exists.

4. Check [C: user User AppData Local Apple and Apple Computer] and [C: user User AppData LocalLow Apple and Apple Computer] folders, if any, please delete them. ("User" is your Windows user name)

5. Check the [C: user User My Music iTunes] folder and delete it if it exists.

6. After completing the above operations, please restart the computer, re run the iTunes installer, and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

7. Run iTunes first to confirm that iTunes has been correctly installed, and then connect the iPhone to the computer.

8. iTunes correctly identifies the iPhone and displays it. The problem is solved successfully.

Method 2:

1. My Computer - Right click - Properties - Device Manager.

2. Right click the underlined "Apple Mobile Device USB Drive" in the figure above - update the driver - manually select the location - browse the path C: Program Files Common Files Apple Mobile Device Support Drivers - confirm to finish.

3. Restart the computer, open iTunes, connect the iPhone to the computer, iTunes correctly recognizes the iPhone and displays it, and the problem is solved successfully.

Method 3:

1. First connect 91 assistant ------ Open system maintenance ------ Open file management

2. Expand "private -- var -- mobile -- media -- itunes_control"

(Delete all files in the itunes_control folder)

3. Restart the computer, open iTunes, connect the iPhone to the computer, iTunes correctly recognizes the iPhone and displays it, and the problem is solved successfully.

The above is about the old prompt ID password error of iTunes login. If you encounter several situations mentioned above in the process of using, you can refer to the above process steps to operate and solve them.

  • This article is written by Published on October 19, 2022 13:41:50
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/11488.html
