What are the foreign video handling software? Where can I move foreign videos

 lihan October 18, 2022 16:49:35 Software download comment two hundred and four Reading mode

Now video can be said to be very popular. Many people have begun to use short videos to earn profits. Of course, short video creation is not easy, it has certain difficulties, and the content quality is still high. Now most people will do moving. Video on one platform is moved to another platform. What are the foreign video moving software? Let's get to know.


What are the foreign video handling software

1、 YouTube, The world's largest video website. YouTube has various forms of videos, and its services include movie channels, video uploads, paid channels, live broadcasts, subtitles translation, etc. So you can go to this website to find various videos, and then put them on microblogs and headlines.

2、 Twitter, It is a social network and microblog service website, and one of the top ten websites with the largest number of visitors on the global Internet. Based on the same sociability as Weibo, there are also many videos on Twitter, and netizens will upload many related videos about anecdotes, which can be used in many ways.

3、 Vimeo, It is a high-definition video podcast website, which is unique in that it allows to upload 1280X700 high-definition videos, and also supports uploading videos from mobile phones via email. After uploading, it can be saved into two versions: high-definition version and ordinary version. What makes us more happy is that its source video files can be downloaded freely, and the downloaded videos will not have the logo of the website.

4、 Dailymotion, It is a video sharing website where users can upload, share and watch videos. One of the characteristics that it is highly praised is that its videos can use HTML5 video elements and then support videos in open format ogg, and it is more high-definition than other Flash video sharing websites of the same type.

5、 LiveLeak, It is also a video sharing website, focusing on current affairs, politics, world events and other aspects of video sharing. The videos on this website mainly focus on local politics and real life, such as war scenes in various places.

6、 Hulu, It is an American video website, which can help users find and enjoy professional media content at any time, place and way. Users can upload the whole movie or any fragment again on their own blog or social networking site. Video content includes TV dramas, movies and clips, as well as some behind the scenes footage of movies, TV programs and some online studios

7、 Viewster, It is an on-demand network streaming media provider. It can provide a series of free movies supported by advertisements. You don't need to install software or register to watch movies on this website.

8、 Twitch, Is a real-time streaming video platform for video games. The videos on this website are mostly about games, covering almost all kinds of games on the market. Video game players can watch the games of other players in real time, so that they can learn game strategies from other players.

9、 Netflix, It is an online movie rental provider. The company can provide Netflix with a large number of DVDs, and allow customers to quickly and conveniently select movies, while delivering them for free.

What to pay attention to when transporting videos from foreign websites

1. Video de duplication

Moving videos is not simply uploading videos from one platform to another, which is likely to be recognized as duplicate videos by the platform system. So when you move a video, remember to de duplicate it. For example, use a subtitle master to add new subtitles to the video, so that the system thinks it is an original video. If you want to become a qualified porter, you must learn these video handling techniques!

2. Don't carry videos with too much playback

You are not the only one who wants to move the popular videos that have played millions or even hundreds of millions of videos. It is very likely that you have been moved by competitors long ago. So in order to avoid too much competition, we'd better try to find videos with good content and moderate playback, such as those with 10W or less playback.

3. Recently released video of handling

The longer the videos are released, the more likely they have been moved by others, and the number of video carriers released recently will be relatively small. Videos with less repetition on domestic platforms are more attractive.

4. Moving video without watermark

Some video websites like to put website watermarks on their videos, and many video authors will also put their own watermarks on their videos. These videos with too deep personal marks are not a good thing for the movers, so it is best to move those videos without watermarks or with less obvious personal marks. If you have to move the video with watermark, you can also use some techniques to remove the video watermark. If the watermark or the author's personal mark only appears in one part of the video, such as the beginning and end of the film, it will be easier. You can directly use the editor to cut out the unnecessary part of the video for free, and it can be done in only seconds, simple and fast!

The development of short videos in the past two years is very rapid. Short videos are being posted on all platforms. Original videos are advocated by all platforms, but creation is relatively difficult. Not most people can do it. At this time, I thought of moving. When moving, I should also pay attention to some precautions to avoid illegal operations.

  • This article is written by Published on October 18, 2022 16:49:35
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