How can Apple download and use spotify? 2022 Apple Spotify Detailed Tutorial

Spotify is the largest music software in the world, mainly providing free and paid services. Now it is very popular not only in foreign countries, but also in China. Because it is a foreign software, the mobile phone needs to be set up for normal use in China. So how can Apple download and use spotify? Let's take a look at the specific process.


Can spotify be used in China

Spotify can be used in China. Many users don't know how to download because there are restrictions. As long as these restrictions are lifted, you can download, install and use them directly.

How to download and use spotify

1. For domestic download of spotify, Apple users need to first register an American Apple ID account. If they do not register, they can obtain an account password in the Apple ID sharing column of the website.

2. Open the App Store on the iPhone desktop, log in with the Apple US ID account after entering the App Store (remember to select other options in the last step and not upgrade).

3. Then click the magnifying glass icon under the App Store, enter spotify to search, and click the arrow icon to download.

4. Then find spotify software on the desktop and open it. After you register your account, you can use this music software.

How does spotify play music?

Many netizens successfully downloaded Spotify, but after opening the software, they found that the music in it could not be played. This is because your network is not available. If you want to use Spotify in China, you must have a accelerometer. Only after your device network is connected to Spotify, can you play it normally. Where does the gamma come from? We don't introduce this. We should find it by ourselves. We can find it on the Internet. We can use it regardless of the specific type.

After the gamma is ready, we link the gamma and open Spotify. You will find that it can play normally and the network will no longer be stuck. Since Spotify supports offline playback, the music you have played before can be played again in the future without the network.

The above is a detailed introduction to how to download and use spotify from Apple in the country and region. As long as you follow the above steps, you can use the software normally. I believe you also have a certain understanding. If you still need to know the relevant content, you can continue to follow this website article.

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