What are the channels to promote mobile games? Promotion channels and methods of personal mobile games

 shenxiaocen October 14, 2022 18:00:49 Mobile applications comment two hundred and eighty-eight Reading mode

In all walks of life, if a brand or product wants to have a reputation, fame and popularity in a short time, it needs to be promoted, and diversified online channels are also popular, as is the case with mobile games. What are the channels to promote mobile games? Promotion channels and methods of personal mobile games

1. Game Guild

Low cost game promotion is mainly based on the CPS mode, that is, pay according to the effect mode. This mode does not require you to pay fees at the beginning. The channel guides players into the platform, and shares with the channel after recharge. This mode is preferred to guild family studios, and 90% of the current platforms use this mode.

Cooperation mode: The guild guides players to play games on the platform. After players recharge, the platform pays the guild's share.

2. Post bar and other question and answer platforms

There is one point that we cannot ignore. As there are a large number of mobile game enthusiasts in the market, there will be some players sharing game strategies or looking for traffic for a game on the question and answer platform such as the post bar. We can use this advantage to conduct drainage and transformation.

3. Social networks

Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, and QQ Space are the world's largest social networks. In China, Weibo and QQ Space are the main social networks. Many game promotions often ignore the communication energy of social networks. Similar to mobile social platforms, social networks also have social relationships that are necessary for the spread of viruses, and this social relationship contains more energy.

Although it does not have the ability to focus on mobile social platforms, the explosive energy is still important. Simple methods can be tried: user timeline personalized recommendation, opinion leader guidance and communication, interest related account index. Once you find a suitable tipping point, you will get better marketing cost performance.

4. We media platforms such as dithering and fast hand

At present, fast hand and dithering are the best drainage channels as well as the most common methods of game agent promotion. After all, as long as we rely on the big game players or use the anchor resources to promote ourselves, we can easily transform players.

5. Cross border implantation

The author has seen more of the three promotion modes of game commentary, grassroots talent micro film and online novel. Because the game producer is a well-known LOL commentator, a domestic game has been reasonably promoted by using the resources of game commentator, and many commentators have introduced and recommended the game in the video. At the same time, the image of famous LOL commentator will be embedded into the card in the game, so as to play the game together with the game commentator as a selling point for publicity. Because it is very consistent with the LOL theme of the game itself, it has achieved good results.

6. Community detonation

Social relations can be divided into three types: private social relations, community relations and society relations. What's private are things like QQ, Path and WeChat, which provide the main function of chat or communication. The community is about Renren and Douban, whose main function is interest classification. The society is microblogging, and so is Twitter. Their main function is to broadcast and watch. The strategies adopted are different for different latitudes and relationships.

7. TV advertising

Page tour is a transitional era, and intermodal transportation is the main theme of the page tour era, which emphasizes the washing of users through network effect advertising. Therefore, no one attaches importance to the building of game brands, and few people invest in TV advertising. While the promotion and distribution of mobile games are very similar to end games in many aspects, brand and IP are very important for mobile games. Due to the characteristics of its own product, which is dominated by the R&D party, advertising of mobile games may become a trend in the future.

8. Cross promotion

For certain types of games, the number of people interested in the game can be roughly estimated. The so-called cross promotion refers to the cooperation between two games to share the user groups that can be covered by each other. This new marketing method is attracting much attention. Compared with previous marketing methods, cross promotion can achieve good results with low costs. This resource is relatively easy to obtain and operate.

All the above are common mobile game promotion methods. It is no doubt that the opening of a game is well-known, so the layout and drainage at the beginning are very important.

  • This article is written by Published on October 14, 2022 18:00:49
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