Ins can't log in to the tutorial detailed tutorial Android, how can I log in to ins in China

 lihan October 14, 2022 16:44:13 operating system comment eight hundred and fifty two Reading mode

Instagram is a social application owned by Facebook, which is mainly used to share the pictures you capture at any time. Recently, however, many users said that they could not log in to Instagram. I don't know why. Today, the editor will take you to learn about how Android is like when ins cannot log in to the detailed tutorial? Let's see the detailed steps together.


What to do if the ins login fails

The failure of ins login is related to the registration failure. There are two main reasons:

1. Registration request timeout, registration network exception, ins registration error

2. The failure to register is generally due to the problem of registering the mobile phone number and e-mail address. When registering, the mobile phone may not receive verification messages or the e-mail address may not receive verification messages.

Solution: Use magic tools to solve the problem

How does instagram use Android phones in China

Some netizens said that Instagram is an overseas software. Generally, Android phones cannot be downloaded directly from the app store. Even if downloaded, the screen will be blank. It can only be downloaded with a specific browser and used after registering with a foreign account. For example, if you search for tiktok in Google, you may jump out of Instagram to download. Use Android phones.

Instagram needs to download and install a special connector, then enter the Ins official website to register, fill in the relevant information, verify the account, and wait for the review after the verification to use it. If maintenance updates occur, try again.

How does instagram use PC terminal in China

(1) Access from your PC

(2) Click Register, enter an email, and create an account and password, or click Login with Facebook to register with a Facebook account. Note: The birthday must be over 18 years old.

(3) If you use email to register, please click Register. If you register with Facebook, the system will prompt you to log in when you log out of your Facebook account.

(4) After successful registration, you can edit your avatar, personal signature, and add links to your bio profile.

How does instagram use Apple phones in China

Some professionals said that it is not possible to directly log in to Instagram on Apple mobile phones in China. You need to borrow auxiliary tools. You can just register and log in after connecting the auxiliary tools. Some netizens also said that the specific operation methods of using Apple mobile phones are as follows:

(1) Open the "Settings" application on the iPhone home screen, enter the settings interface and select Universal;

(2) Select "Special Tools" in General, and select Add Configuration;

(3) . Enter the obtained server address and registered account and password, and click Save after selecting no encryption level;

(4) . Open the configuration connection. If you are prompted that the connection is in progress, you will be prompted that it is connected after a while;

(5) Finally, open the instagram client, and you can register and use instagram normally.

The above is the reason why the ins cannot log in to the detailed tutorial. First, we need to see what causes the ins to log out. This software is originally a foreign software, which needs to be set up to use normally. I don't know. I can see the above tutorial installation.

  • This article is written by Published on October 14, 2022 16:44:13
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