Why is YouTube not connected to the Internet? The latest tutorials for using YouTube in China

If you want to visit foreign websites or software in China, it is not easy to use it, because it will be restricted. For example, YouTube can not be used normally without some settings in China. Some small partners may encounter the situation that YouTube is not connected to the Internet. Here's a detailed explanation for you.


What's wrong with YouTube?

It is normal that YouTube is not connected in China. Oil pipe is the homophone of YouTube, which is one of the largest video websites under Google. It is part of the Internet. The content inside is not approved, so it is not allowed to see in China. It is illegal for individual users to log in, and there is no discussion on how to crack it, and these software can be easily poisoned.

The reasons for not connecting to the network are: the network cable is dropped, the network card has problems, the line is blocked, and the plug is loose.

General solutions include:

1. You can restart the computer first. If you cannot connect to the network after restarting, you should check whether the indicator light of the router is on. If it is not on, there is a problem with the network cable. If the indicator light is on, there is no problem with the network cable.

2. Check whether there is a fault inside the computer and check the network card.

3. If it still doesn't work, call to ask if the network fee is due and if the network card is loose.

4. If it still doesn't work, send it to a professional store for maintenance.

There are several possibilities when your phone cannot open YouTube:

The mobile phone is not connected to the network; Solution Connect to the network

Mobile phones cannot connect to foreign websites; According to national laws, individuals are not allowed to use illegal channels to connect to the Internet. Therefore, you need to use formal magic tools to connect to the Internet

Youtube website server failure may cause connection failure

Your website is misspelled, or there is no such website in the world, because some pages cannot be opened.


Open data traffic or connect to the network through wireless network WIFI

Check whether it is due to server failure of YouTube website

Check the spelling of the URL and check whether the website exists

YouTube account purchase

Exclusive YouTube account purchase


If you don't like the trouble, or you can't register your YouTube account, you can directly purchase your own ready-made YouTube account here!

How does YouTube work in China?

1. Proxy IP

The proxy IP here is actually what we call the gamma. After connecting to the gamma, if it can be used, we can directly open the official YouTube website or APP. What is its principle? It means that the network connected to our devices is used to proxy foreign IP, so that our computers or mobile phones can access the Internet through foreign networks. Access to YouTube is not restricted in foreign countries. Therefore, we can access YouTube normally after connecting the gamma ray.

2. Hong Kong Internet access card

Why do you recommend Hong Kong Internet access card? Because Hong Kong is a special administrative region, there is no restriction on the use of YouTube in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's network can access it. So, if you have a Hong Kong Internet card, you can use YouTube directly.

Where does Hong Kong access card come from? There is something on a treasure. You can search it directly and find it easily.

3. Foreign server

This method requires everyone to have relevant knowledge of server use, otherwise you can't play. The cost of this method is relatively high. At present, the price of a server that is cheaper is more than 100 months. However, this is also an effective way to access YouTube. Servers in the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and other regions are often used by friends engaged in foreign trade, and the server networks in these places can directly access YouTube. For example, Hong Kong servers can be bought on Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud.

It should be noted that when you use the server, the system must install the Win system, so that you can operate in the server as if you were operating on your own computer. Youtube is a foreign software. If you want to use it normally in China, you can refer to the above method to set it. Do you know that? Go and set it up.

  • This article is written by Published on October 13, 2022 16:54:58
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/11324.html
