What caused the Apple 12 rechargeable mobile phone to burn? How to solve the serious charging scald of Apple 12

 shenxiaocen October 11, 2022 11:56:14 operating system comment one hundred and forty-one Reading mode

Although the update of mobile phones is very fast, and the speed of use can not catch up with the launch of new phones, however, Apple's mobile phones are still so popular, and they are also the choice of many fans, but they are also controversial at the same time. The signal is poor, and the mobile phone is always hot. So what is the problem of Apple's 12 charging mobile phones getting hot?


What caused the Apple 12 rechargeable mobile phone to burn?

1. Charging generates heat

It is common for the mobile phone to generate heat when charging. When the mobile phone is connected to the power supply for charging, the current and resistance play games with each other, and energy conversion occurs to generate heat. The heat is related to the charging power. For example, the 5W charging head of iPhone 12 is less hot, while the 20W fast charging head is relatively hot.

2. High load operation generates heat

When the mobile phone is used to play games or use large software for a long time, the performance of the mobile phone CPU is greatly squeezed, and the mobile phone is always in a high load working state. At this time, the mobile phone will generate heat. In order to improve the heating condition, external cooling equipment can be used to assist in cooling.

3. Heating due to poor heat dissipation

Although the mobile phone case has the advantages of beauty and protection, its existence also greatly affects the heat dissipation of the mobile phone, especially some heavy and fully wrapped mobile phone cases. The case of the mobile phone has a very obvious impact on the heat dissipation of the mobile phone, which causes the heat generated during the use of the mobile phone to not be emitted, resulting in obvious heating.

How to solve the serious problem of Apple 12 charging scald?

1. Open the settings in the iphone12 interface and enter the settings homepage


2. Enter the setting interface to see the battery options


3. Then you can see the battery health options on the battery homepage.


4. In the battery health interface, we can turn on the optimized battery charging function to solve the problem of hot charging of the iPhone 12.


The above is about the hot mobile phone. Generally speaking, if the mobile phone is in a state of high load and playing while charging, the hot mobile phone is relatively normal and common, and there is no need to worry too much.

  • This article is written by Published on October 11, 2022 11:56:14
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