Which is the best assistant software of League of Heroes? League of Heroes auxiliary tools ranking 2022

 shenxiaocen October 10, 2022 13:49:07 Software download comment one hundred and sixty-seven Reading mode

The League of Heroes, even though it has appeared for a long time, occupies a place in the game and ranks first all the year round. No matter how many players join, they will form a small habit before opening the game, that is, to open a game auxiliary software. Today, let's take a look at some common auxiliary tools.


1. Tencent game platform

Tencent game platform, also known as TGP, is an official game auxiliary tool designated by the League of Heroes. In order to expand business and develop international market, Tencent game platform has been upgraded to WEGAME platform. As a regular auxiliary software, it is undoubtedly the auxiliary software of the League of Heroes with the largest number of users. Of course, we all know that it can achieve today's achievements.

2. Hero League Box

The League of Heroes box has been used by almost every old player. At that time, the number of downloads of the box absolutely dominated the league of heroes auxiliary tools. The reason why the box ranks first is that its function is too powerful and it is loved by players. The cancellation of the "infinite horizon" function made many players leave the League of Heroes. The "free skin" saved players a lot of money. The "combat power scoring system" was the most popular topic among players at that time. But just because of this, the League of Heroes box has damaged the interests of others and broken the balance of the game. In order to avoid touching the law, the box will eventually delete some functions and eventually disappear in the player's view, becoming the exclusive memory of the player.

3. League of Heroes Big Foot

League of Heroes Bigfoot is the first auxiliary tool for League of Heroes games in the true sense. Its functions are much more perfect than treasure chest. A few years ago, when playing League of Heroes in Internet cafes, this software would be available on the desktop. At that time, the number of users was relatively large. Now it can still be downloaded from the official website, but in 2016 this software also stopped updating.

4. Hero League Treasure Chest

Hero League Treasure Box is a game auxiliary tool developed by Sina. Now renamed as Sina LOL Treasure Box, the former League of Heroes Treasure Box has stopped updating. In the past few years, there were still a few users of Gallery, but the number was very small. This is mainly due to simple functions, bundled software and poor user experience. Many problems have not been solved yet, so few people use it even now.

5. Leona

Leona is the auxiliary hero with the most control in the current version. With extremely strong control, Leona can often cooperate with ADC to gain great online advantages during the online phase, thus accelerating the development process of her own ADC. In the later stage, Leona's ability to start a group is also among the best. She can use big moves to leave the group at a distance, so as to quickly kill the enemy heroes and win the group war.

6. Bloem

In the two person road, Bloem is a hero with strong protection. However, Bloem's advantage lies not only in its protection, but also in its cooperation with ADC. Bron's passivity and 1 skill can hit excellent damage, and the big move can also provide powerful control, which is simply an all-around assistant that can fight, resist and control.

7. Ox head

Although Tauren looks bulky, it is very flexible to play. For example, a sudden flash can control the enemy when they are unprepared, or a group war can be started at a long distance in an instant to let the enemy take the lead. After the group war starts, Niutou can use a big move to hit the enemy's losing position in the face. Since Niutou's big move can reduce the enemy's damage, the enemy's output position has no way to take the cow's head, so they have to step back and finally lose the group war.

The above is a common and easy to use auxiliary tool of the League of Heroes. It has various practical functions, such as unlimited sight distance, and also has the function of unlimited skin changing. You can change the skin of the League of Heroes anytime and anywhere.

  • This article is written by Published on October 10, 2022 13:49:07
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