Which software is easy to use and which software is used to test the quality of solid state disk

When it comes to SSDs, you will definitely think of computers. Indeed, it is an important presence in computers and an indispensable core. This is also the key point to determine whether your computer will work well, so many people will test the hard disk software. What reliable hard disk detection software does massage have?



First, let's talk about the famous CDM (Crystal DiskMark). If you pay attention to the SSD evaluation, you will find that many evaluators prefer to choose CDM as a test tool. Compared with other testing tools, it is easy to use and free of charge. At the same time, CDM is still being updated for a long time, which is really conscience testing software.

CDM can perform cyclic test at the set capacity and display the best results. In addition, the capacity of round and single test can be customized very conveniently. As can be seen from the figure above, in the CDM and 1G5 test environment, the sequential reading of the 1TB version of Zhiti PC005 has reached more than 3500 M/s, and the writing has also reached 2976 M/s. This performance is very good in the NVMe PCI-E3.0 solid state.


This software is the product of the same developer as CDM. The difference is that CDM is a scorecard software, while CDI is a software to view the solid state. From the information of CDI, we can know the power on time, power on times, interface, transmission mode, health status and many other information of the solid state. Like CDM, this software is completely free and updated for a long time.


You must have encountered a situation where the solid-state file transfer is very fast, but the speed will drop after some files are written. What's the matter? Because most NVME SSDs will set a high-speed cache to improve the explosive power of reading and writing. HDTUNE is a very good tool for detecting cache size. Using HDTUNE to test 30G files, we can see from the speed curve that the 1TB version of Zhiti PC005 has slowed down at 13G. We can learn from the test that the high-speed cache of the 1TB version of Zhiti PC005 is about 12G. Of course, other functions of HDTUNE are very rich, but I personally think its file benchmark is the best.


As a hard disk test software that existed in the era of Windows NT, IOMETER still has the most detailed test options. You can customize the size of test blocks, which is very flexible. However, although IOMETER is a free software with powerful functions, it may be difficult for beginners to operate it because of its long history, which requires a certain learning cost.


Like CDM and AS SSD, TxBench is also a very practical benchmark software. In the subdivision option, you can also customize the size of the test block independently, which is very flexible.

You can select the above test software according to your interest, and then refer to the above article for selection.

  • This article is written by Published on October 9, 2022 17:18:39
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