Which is the home button of Apple 12? Where to set the Apple home key

 shenxiaocen October 9, 2022 12:01:10 operating system comment one hundred and twenty-three Reading mode

For Apple fans, the functions of Apple phones may be relatively well understood, but the use of Apple phones is relatively unclear. A virtual home key can prevent the physical home key from being broken. In addition, there are many advantages, but many people still do not know where the Apple home key is set.


Which is the home button of Apple 12?

1. Apple 12 has no HOME key;

2. The HOME key has always been the symbol of Apple's mobile phone, but since Apple opened the full screen era, Apple's HOME key has been canceled. After Apple's full screen era was opened, there is no fingerprint unlocking, only password unlocking and face recognition are supported.

Where is the Apple home key set?

1. First, open the iPhone, find the settings icon of the phone, and click to enter, as shown in the figure:

2. After entering the setting interface, find the general options and click to enter, as shown in the figure:


3. Find the auxiliary function option in the general setting interface, and then click to enter, as shown in the figure:

4. After entering the auxiliary function setting interface, select the AssistiveTouch option, and the closed status will be displayed after this option.


5. Click Enter to enter the setting interface of AssistiveTouch. There is a switch behind this option. Turn on the switch, and a virtual key icon appears next to it.


6. Click the virtual icon, and some of its function options will be displayed on the interface. At the bottom is the virtual home key icon. The function of clicking is the same as that of the keys on the phone.


The above is about the Apple home key. Generally, the iPhone can double click the home key by using auxiliary software. Of course, you can also double click the home key directly on the phone.

  • This article is written by Published on October 9, 2022 12:01:10
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