[Programming] Vue.js+front-end development+quick start and professional application (written by Chen Luyang) PDF download

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 [Programming] Vue.js+front-end development+quick start and professional application (written by Chen Luyang) PDF download

This book is divided into 10 chapters, including introduction, basic features, instructions, filters, transitions, components, state management, common plug-ins, engineering examples and Weex packaging. This book will systematically describe the applicable scenarios and specific operations of Vue.js in the project, from simple single instances and basic syntax to engineering examples. This book is characterized by detailed cases, so that readers can realize the advantages and convenience of the framework, improve development efficiency, and finally apply Vue.js to actual projects to avoid the embarrassment of talking on paper.

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i6zDwVz Password: y24m


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