How to retrieve NetEase 163 free album? 163 NetEase album login portal NetEase album mobile version

Cloud album is a necessary platform for modern people. Photo albums and videos on mobile phones do not want to be deleted but take up a lot of space. It is so convenient to store them in cloud album. 163 NetEase Cloud album can be said to be the first platform to appear in the public view, and the operation is relatively simple. How can NetEase 163 free album be retrieved?


How to retrieve NetEase 163 free album?

1. Use a web browser to open the above photo album login portal link;

2. After opening the link, as shown in the figure above, we need to log in to our NetEase account using NetEase's mailbox 163;


3. After successful login, we will jump to the interface shown in the above figure. We need to fill in some basic information in this interface, including name, verification code, mobile phone number, front and back of ID card and other basic authentication information, and finally click "Submit";


4. After submission, we need to wait for NetEase customer service to verify our identity information. If it is correct after verification, the customer service will package all the photos and pictures in your 163 NetEase album and send them to your NetEase mailbox. What we need to do is to wait and pay attention to the mail in our NetEase mailbox in a timely manner.

Although 163 NetEase Cloud album has been out of service, many people are worried about the album that exists in the cloud disk, it can still be found. If you don't know how to find it, you can refer to the above steps.

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