The launch time and price of vivo 52s. How can vivo 52s shoot the moon more clearly

Vivo's electronic products have also done quite well in recent years, and the brand has gradually expanded its sales area. Vivo Y52s, as a 5g mobile phone, adopts a water drop screen design, frosted coating and silver coating process. Its high appearance has attracted the attention of countless girls, and it has to be said that it is very suitable for this group.

vivoy52s上市时间和价格,vivo y52s怎么拍月亮更清晰

Time and price of vivoy52s

On December 12, 2022, vivo Y52s, a brand new 5G mobile phone with 1000 yuan, will be officially launched. This mobile phone only has a memory combination of 8GB+128GB, and the price is 1798 yuan.

The front of vivo Y52s is equipped with a 6.58 inch screen, which supports a 90Hz refresh rate and a 180Hz touch sampling rate. The screen is more convenient. Moreover, the screen of this phone supports HDR10 and DCI-P3 wide color gamut, with a higher dynamic range and richer colors. In terms of shape design, it has three color combinations of Monet color, Coral Sea and Titanium Air Grey, and adopts a new coating process.

This mobile phone is equipped with Tianji 720 processor and adopts 7nm manufacturing process. It supports 5G+4G dual card dual standby and SA/NSA 5G dual mode. In addition, vivo Y52s is equipped with 5000mAh large battery and 18W dual engine flash charge. According to the official introduction, with the help of AI power saving engine, it can effectively reduce power consumption and improve energy efficiency. In photographing, the vivo Y52s has an 8 megapixel front camera, a 48 megapixel rear main camera and a 2 megapixel depth of field camera. In terms of other functions, this mobile phone has Multi Turbo 3.0, Magic Box 9.0, liquid cooling and heat dissipation to ensure the gaming experience.

Vivo Y52s adopts a 7nm process processor, supports dual mode 5G full network communication, and can bring users a low latency network experience. The front is equipped with a 6.58 inch screen, which supports a high refresh rate of 90Hz and a touch sampling rate of 180Hz. Users can get a smoother display experience.

How can the vivo y52s take a clearer picture of the moon

Method 1: Use "professional mode" to adjust parameters

We all know that there is a professional mode in the mobile phone camera. In the professional mode, we can adjust the focus and shutter speed of the mobile phone, light and shade, etc. Take Android phones as an example. When the focal length is enlarged to the maximum and the ISO (sensitivity) is adjusted within the range of 50-100, the shutter speed is generally 1/125 second to 1/250 second.

Note: The parameters of different mobile phones are different, and the partners need to adjust many times to find the appropriate anxiety and shutter speed.

Method 2: Turn down the brightness and reduce the exposure

When you shoot the moon, you may encounter the situation that the moon is not clear. The moon looks like a ball. On the one hand, it may be due to the lack of mobile phone pixels, and on the other hand, it may be due to the high exposure of mobile phones.

At this time, we need to click on the moon with our fingers, and then slide our fingers down to lower the brightness and exposure, so that the moon lines photographed will be much clearer.

Method 3: Skillfully use the prospect to create an atmosphere

If we just shoot the moon, it may be boring, but if we borrow the foreground, it will make the picture more unique. For example, we can take pictures when there is a little thin cloud covering the moon, or use branches to construct a viewfinder, which will make the whole picture more atmosphere. As shown in the figure below, the tree branch is used as the foreground.

Method 4: Use tools to stabilize mobile phones

After making the previous preparations, another important issue is the jitter of the picture. After the focus is increased, the jitter of the picture will become obvious, so you should pay attention to stabilizing your phone when shooting.

You can use a tripod to stabilize your phone. If you don't have a tripod, you can also find a stable object to support your phone. In a word, as long as you can keep your mobile phone stable, no matter what method is available.

If we only send photos of the moon in the circle of friends, it will be a bit dull. We can also take some portraits that conform to the festival atmosphere. Take "styler" as an example. After selecting Tools, we can find and click Ancient Costume Template. We can see that there are many types of templates, such as ancient style, cheongsam, ethnic style, and so on. The effect after conversion is natural, and the festival atmosphere is immediately felt.

The vivo Y52s is a mobile phone with high pixels, high face value, and light weight. It is popular among women. Who can not love a mobile phone with high cost performance at the lowest price.

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