[Operating System] Windows10 RS3 16299.194 Enterprise Edition Compact x86/x64

The simplified version of Windows 10 Redstone 3 Enterprise Edition modified by Laomao Lopatkin has been updated to v16299.194?, This is the cumulative update of the Win10 Autumn Creator Update. This is the simplified Chinese version image of the official version of Windows 10 RS3 v1709 Build 16299.194 Enterprise Edition, which contains 32 and 64 bits. After the image is simplified, it is small in size and easy to download. It runs smoothly on low configuration computers. Win10 enthusiasts can try it.

 [Operating System] Windows10 RS3 16299.194 Enterprise Edition Compact x86/x64

Lopatkin, the author, is a Russian system simplification maniac. He has always focused on the thin assembly of Windows operating system. Usually Microsoft has system version updates, and he will soon streamline and release them, whether the official version or the preview version. The volume of the system image after its simplification and optimization has been greatly reduced, which is very pure and smooth. No promotion has been added, and special attention has been paid to simplification and smoothness! There are no major problems with daily use, but it is mainly stable and smooth. However, if there are requirements for the operation of some software, it is recommended to use the original version of Microsoft. There are some problems with the streamlined system that cannot meet the needs. Don't complain about the poor simplification technology.

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CENA_X64FRE_ZH-CN_PIP.iso (2.29GB)

CRC32: 3E299DC1

MD5: 1179CD56FB3B119050CBBBD05A0815B2

SHA-1: 0B66D659583039F0963E5D4AB522DD70CFB4CE9A


CENA_X86FRE_ZH-CN_PIP.iso (1.61GB)

CRC32: 14B7A847

MD5: 9F60EDB3EA1B114C65B2888FCBEE8E69

SHA-1: 9E4F39A8F34579E765B67B1169B9B1E0AA548C70



Ps: A stone from another mountain cannot be mended if it is lost.


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