Is Mr. Li Zheng's class worth buying? 2022 Li Zheng High School Chemistry Free Online Disk

 shenxiaocen September 23, 2022 13:45:42 electronic text comment five hundred and eighty-five one Reading mode

Chemistry, for many high school students, is the most troublesome subject in three years. With the gradual progress from senior one to senior three, the difficulty has also improved by leaps and bounds. Without a solid foundation and a certain understanding ability, it is impossible to learn the subject well. So many people choose to consolidate their knowledge through online classes. Is Mr. Li Zheng's class worth buying?


Is Mr. Li Zheng's class worth buying?

Teacher Li Zheng, who is known as "the best teacher in the capital", must have obscene solutions to complicated problems. All kinds of chemical formula tricks are also very interesting in the classroom. However, since Lexue began to reform in 2018, the courses after 18 years are explained by several teachers, so some of the content is not explained by the political brother. It is suggested that you can check the lessons before the political brother 18, so it is better to complement each other.

Mr. Li Zheng's online class can be said to be a leader in chemistry. Many students like his class. It is suitable for all kinds of foundations except zero. The lecture content and style are particularly good. Direct use after class, quick score raising!

His lectures are humorous and lively. Pay attention to cultivating students' learning interest and learning potential. Classic quote: Behind every effort, there will be double rewards.

How powerful is Teacher Li Zheng?

I am a student from Sichuan Province. When I was a sophomore in senior high school, my full score in chemistry was 100, and I only had less than 50 points. I never did the multiple-choice questions correctly. Experiments were always painful. Later, I used the Happy Learning College Entrance Examination and listened to teacher Li Zheng's class. My final college entrance examination score in chemistry was 86, which doubled. So I think it is very necessary for me to talk about it.

I remember that Lexue College Entrance Examination was my final choice after I used many online courses. Because my chemistry was the worst, I focused on listening to the chemistry part.

The first time I opened the course of Mr. Li Zheng, I found it particularly interesting. The teaching method of turning knowledge into pithy formula was also very innovative. I found it at once, and my popularity soared.

Later, I began to listen to other courses of Mr. Li Zheng, and finally I stared at his class. All day long, I felt uncomfortable in his class, which also inspired me to study chemistry well. I imagined that I would become as excellent and knowledgeable as him. A word of imitation would be a knowledge point. Of course, my good teacher is also like this image, Humor is appropriate.

My basic foundation is very weak, so I usually have a lot of pressure, but I never gave up the subject of chemistry by relying on one breath and learning from Mr. Li Zheng.

I don't know what the magic is. The course will not be so impetuous if followed.

I haven't heard much online lessons before. I met a good one the first time. I was very lucky.

I remember a chemical organic inference question, which was extremely complicated and tedious. I couldn't find a breakthrough. Teacher Li Zheng just gave me a backward direction. I was immediately enlightened, and the solution seemed particularly calm and relaxed.

Finally, no matter how excellent the teacher is, whether he can pass the exam or not depends on his level of effort. Ask him what he wants and what he wants in online classes is just a tool, and how to use it is the key.

In fact, if you want to learn a course well, you need to master the most basic knowledge. It can be said that this is also the main factor to further improve yourself. Of course, any subject needs to find a learning program that is more suitable for you through understanding.

  • This article is written by Published on September 23, 2022 13:45:42
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