[Office software] Microsoft Office 2016 four in one green compact version (collection of Office versions)

Office software, I believe everyone is familiar with it, let's not say more, and go straight to dry goods.

Office2016 four in one green compact version is dedicated to green compact production by xb21cn, a green software enthusiast. It contains four components (including VBA), Access, Excel, Ppt and Word, supports automatic permanent activation and KMS activation, and supports Win7, Win8.1, Win10 operating systems 32 and 64 bits.

 [Office software] Microsoft Office 2016 four in one green compact version (collection of Office versions)


Features of this edition

#Test environment: Windows 7/Windows? 8.1 / Windows? 10 x32/x64 bit

#Streamline other components and keep Word Excel、Ppt、Access ? Four components (including VBA);

#After greening, the default automatic KMS activation is a 180 day trial, and you can use the Ley key to permanently activate;

#? Support opening pdf documents, online templates, planning solutions, analysis and other Excel add ins;

#? Add MSDN/MAK/KMS three authorization methods, and Mak can be permanently activated!

#? Update security patches until January 2018;

#? Try to solve the problem of installation and operation without closing UAC;


Activation method

Method 1: Backup and restore activation information

After permanent activation, run!) Activate backup restore. cmd, and select 1 to backup activation information.

Restore after reinstallation, run!) Activate Backup Restore.cmd, select 2 to restore the activation information,

Right click in the office2016 folder to open the dos window and run

cscript Office16\ospp.vbs /inpkey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

Method 2: Online networking activation method

Open the dos window in the green version installation folder of office2016, and run

cscript Office16\ospp.vbs /inpkey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

cscript Office16\ospp.vbs /act

(xxxxx is a permanent activation key, and must be matched with the backup activation information file)


Download address

By xb21cn (all versions of Green Compact Office)

Office 2016 four in one (updated on February 2, 2018)

Office 2013 four in one (updated on February 1, 2018)

Office 2013 Six in One (updated on February 1, 2018)

Office 2010 four in one (updated on February 2, 2018)

Office 2007 four in one (updated on March 30, 2018)

Office 2003 four in one (updated on January 28, 2018)

Office2007-2010 file format compatibility package green version

MathematicsAdd In Microsoft Math Formula Green Edition

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o9x00Dc Password: two


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