How about Zhou Shuai's online math class? Which platform is Zhou Shuai's online math class on

 lihan September 21, 2022 17:45:46 Resource sharing comment two hundred and ninety-eight Reading mode

Zhou Shuai is an online teacher of New Oriental. Now many people are taking online classes at home because of the epidemic. Zhou Shuai graduated from Peking University. He can be said to be the top student in the college entrance examination. His main skills are mathematical methods and skills. He can help children learn the essence of mathematics and help many children to enter the ideal school. How about taking a look at Zhou Shuai's online math class?


Which organization is Zhou Shuai in

Gaotu Classroom is the latest online tutoring app for primary and secondary school courses from the US listed companies. It provides online live streaming courses in primary school English, junior high school English, and high school English. The teaching mode of famous teacher teaching+double teacher guidance and 7+6 efficient learning method are adopted to design teaching for students from pre class preview, interactive learning, 1-to-1 homework correction, after-school guidance and other links, and provide course video playback after class.

Introduction to New Oriental Online

Founded in 2005, New Oriental Online (stock code: HK. 1797) is a professional online education platform under New Oriental Education Technology Group (NYSE: EDU) and one of the first professional online education websites in China.

After more than ten years of efforts, New Oriental Online has been able to provide users with a full range of educational products for all ages, from preschool, K12 to adults. By 2020, New Oriental Online has four ToC business brands: "New Oriental Online", "New Oriental Online Primary and Secondary School", "Oriental Youbo", "New Oriental Dona", and the ToB product "New Oriental Online Education Cloud", providing unique and innovative solutions for college libraries, public libraries, children's families and other customers.

Students' evaluation of Mr. Zhou Shuai

Mr. Zhou Shuai is the first teacher who really changed my cognitive thinking. His class is very coherent and systematic. Mathematical methods are based on mathematical thinking, and Zhou Shuai always permeates his thinking in his system guidance and real problem explanation.

His basic knowledge of the course is explained clearly, the selected questions are relatively simple, the teaching content is concentrated, the amount of information is large, and he focuses on the training of mathematical thinking logic rather than mechanical operation, with more class hours and detailed knowledge points. Pay attention to the foundation, from easy to difficult. Students with ordinary foundation are a good choice

How to purchase Zhou Shuai's online course of high school mathematics

The first step is to open the high school mathematics teaching network, input the teaching and research website of high school mathematics, and search.

The second step is to add one click links in the high school mathematics course lecture. Find the live dance page and follow the anchor. Get more abundant teaching resources.

The third step is through the way of answer contest. Pay a certain amount to purchase various learning materials.

On the way of learning, if there is a famous teacher who can help him improve his knowledge, he can be called a life tutor. Teacher Zhou Shuai talks very carefully, and his teaching method is very systematic and comprehensive. All students like to listen to his lessons.

  • This article is written by Published on September 21, 2022 17:45:46
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