Can't I really listen to Zhong Xiuyong's class? How about Zhong Xiuyong's civil law

 lihan September 21, 2022 17:30:29 Resource sharing comment three hundred and eleven Reading mode

Every year, there will be a judicial exam. Of course, in order to learn better, everyone will find teachers to teach online. There are many teachers. Everyone has different teaching methods. Some are humorous, and all have strict control over details. These are the characteristics of different teachers' teaching. Basically, everyone will choose teachers who are similar to their own needs. Then why did someone say that Zhong Xiuyong could not listen to his class? How about Zhong Xiuyong's civil law? Let's take a look.


Profile of Zhong Xiuyong

Zhong Xiuyong, a famous teacher in the national judicial examination industry, and a doctor of civil and commercial law of Renmin University of China, is the editor of the series of textbooks of Civil Law. In 2016, Beijing Ruida Chengtai Education Technology Co., Ltd. was founded, and is the exclusive contracted keynote teacher of Beijing Ruida Chengtai Education Technology Co., Ltd. He is the author of teaching materials such as Lectures for Famous Teachers of Three Schools.

What does Zhong Xiuyong say about civil law

There is no doubt about Lao Zhong's level. It is no problem to follow him in preparing for the civil law exam. His interpretation of the real topic is responsible, and he dares to use legal theory and rules to boldly and scientifically analyze, rather than following the crowd.

Advantages: Lao Zhong's knowledge points are comprehensive, and basically all the points involved in the legal examination are summarized. The supporting video and audio explanations of Lao Zhong and the examples given in the key legal articles in the book are vivid, easy to understand, and remember firmly!

Disadvantages: Old Zhong's lecture notes are too thick, six or seven hundred pages. It will take at least ten days to listen to and read the book after listening. Then do the questions and calculate the time. If you have a foundation of civil law, otherwise, you can understand or cannot keep up with the rhythm; Old Zhong's video is wordy and full of nonsense, which is easy to distract people;

Of course, every teacher is unique in the world and has its own characteristics. If you have enough time, you can also watch or listen to other teachers' lessons, such as Li Jianwei, Han Xiangbo, and Zhang Xiang. They are all good.

How to evaluate civil law teacher Zhong Xiuyong

Zhong Xiuyong's Lecture on Civil Law, compiled by Zhong Xiuyong, is a teaching material for judicial examination guidance. A set of books includes three parts: lecture notes, laws and regulations, and real questions that need to be involved in reviewing judicial examinations. It mainly tells about the subject system, key contents, knowledge points of regular examinations, and helps examinees understand with real questions. Gather the essence of the teaching materials of famous teachers who have tutored in the judicial examination for many years, and explain the relevant knowledge points in detail according to the different characteristics of the subjects and the law of the judicial examination, which can help the examinees to obtain the authoritative guidance of famous teachers through the review of this book. Doctor of Civil and Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, associate professor, has many years of experience in practicing lawyers, law teachers and judicial examination training, and has signed a contract with the exclusive editor in chief of the textbook "Civil Law". He has a precise grasp of the law, characteristics and coping skills of civil law examination in judicial examination, is good at combining theory with cases, making boring examination points interesting, and connecting main examination points, Guide students to memorize easily and firmly, which is highly praised by students.

Zhong Xiuyong said that the most important feature of civil law is that it is detailed, or rather ink. For example, in the case where someone stayed in a hotel and thought that the wine in the refrigerator was free, he talked for half an hour, while Li Jianwei talked for only three minutes. The judicial examination is an exam oriented examination, not an undergraduate education. It is not suitable for tutoring study because it has no key points and priorities. Each teacher's teaching method is different, and Mr. Zhong Xiuyong talks carefully, so you need to choose according to your own actual situation.

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