How about Cai Dejin and Li Shangze's 2000 questions? How about the score raising effect? Is it worth buying

 weiwei September 21, 2022 17:00:13 electronic text comment four hundred and forty Reading mode

Mathematics should be a nightmare for many people. It seems that it is difficult to learn mathematics. Many subjects seem to know you, but you don't know it, so many people are afraid of mathematics and will be biased. Then we need to find tutoring institutions and teaching materials outside class. How about Cai Dejin and Li Shangze's 2000 question? Will it be reliable?

How about Cai Dejin's online math class

Mr. Cai Dejin speaks math very well. Mr. Cai Dejin has accumulated teaching and research achievements for a long time, and the lecture content is practical. He gave lectures to collect and select the most helpful learning resources for review, including necessary knowledge, easily confused and wrong points, simulated question bank, etc.

He has a deep academic background, rich professional knowledge, lectures in simple terms, learned for a period of time, the effect is very good.

Mr. Cai Dejin has rich experience in online education. The total class hours of large class live broadcast class exceed 1000 hours, and the effect of score raising is obvious. It advocates that mathematics learning should be divided into two legs: "solid foundation" and "outstanding skills". There are two corresponding curriculum systems, namely, "micro topic series" of explanation questions and "skill series" of explanation skills. Through the study of these two curriculum systems, mathematics can be done quickly and accurately!

How about Cai Dejin and Li Shangze 2000

Classify 20 chapters and 216 questions. 220 pages of 2000 authentic college entrance examination questions in the past 20 years are selected, and there are videos explaining all the pointless questions throughout the whole process.


So if you don't understand anything, you can read Cai Dejin's online lessons and brush Cai Dejin's Li Shangze's 2000 questions, which will definitely help you with your math.

  • This article is written by Published on September 21, 2022 17:00:13
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