What are the contents of the UI design course? What do you want to learn about the UI

According to the current situation, the development of many new industries is also emerging, which enriches everyone's choice of career. There are also many people who have started to sign up for new popular professions, such as UI design. Maybe in the first few years, no one will sign up, because they don't understand, what courses do you need to learn in UI design?


What are the contents of the ui design course

Phase I:

Learn basic art painting knowledge, such as some simple sketches, graphic design, and the use of PS (drawing, cutting, and revision), and master the basic knowledge of a series of UI courses.

Phase II:

Learn web front-end and UI design knowledge, website overall interface design, app interface design, UI interaction design, etc. Through project practice exercises, you can do some enterprise official website websites.

The third stage:

Learn more about the web front end and use Html code to lay a solid foundation for UI design.

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1) Basic course of modeling training. The main contents include basic sketch and modeling, basic color and color lead painting and other basic knowledge of hand painting, aiming to imperceptibly cultivate students' creative thinking, design thinking and product thinking;

2) Design tools and brand image design. The main contents include PS software basic design, PS software advanced design, AI software basic and logo design, and Vis corporate image manual design knowledge;

3) Web and operational design. The main contents include Banner operation design performance, C4D light 3D design performance, web design process and specification, and web design project training courses;

4) Web page static layout. The main content includes HTML page reconstruction and page beautification. In daily work, the communication between the UI designer and the front-end staff is very important. The UI designer's mastery of basic front-end knowledge will help the cooperation between both parties and improve work efficiency;

5) Mobile terminal full process design. The main contents include icon design and theme table, UE, UX user experience and interaction prototype, iOS&Android design specification, mobile terminal interface design project training, intelligent wearable device project training, interactive dynamic performance design courses, and H5 page promotion design and release;

6) Touch up and organize the works. The main content includes the arrangement of plane works and works collection, works collection display and performance courses, works and resume guidance. The collection of works plays an important role in the UI designer's job search process. A good collection of works is the best endorsement of a person, which can help enterprises quickly understand your technology.

The above is about the content of courses that need to be learned in UI design. If you are interested in the UI course but do not know what to learn, you can first get a general understanding of the above.

  • This article is written by Published on September 19, 2022 17:15:26
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