PS beginner introduction free self-study tutorial, Photoshop beginner guide (recommended collection)

 lihan September 19, 2022 16:42:54 computer software comment one hundred and seventy-three Reading mode

In life, ps is used more often, both in life and work. ps is a software that can edit and process exclusive videos, and edit videos. Maybe some people don't know how to use PS. Today, I will give you a brief introduction to the free self-study tutorial for beginners of PS.


PS beginner free self-study tutorial

1. Click the PS software on the desktop, and double-click to open it. Enter the main interface of PS.

2. Click "New" in the "File" option at the top of the interface to create a new canvas. Next, we will introduce the settings of the canvas in detail.

3. After creating a new canvas, you can set the size and pixels of the canvas. At the same time, the resolution at the bottom of the interface can be adjusted by yourself, usually 72 can be selected. For the color mode, RGB Color is generally selected. In Background Content, black, white and transparent are usually selected. After setting all the options, click the "Create" button at the bottom right corner of the interface.

4. Next, we will introduce the "Toolbar" on the left side of the interface.

5. Next is the upper part of the main interface, which provides users with other function settings.

6. This is an introduction to the color palette.

7. This is the case with the Layer Panel.

Introduction to beginner ps shortcut keys

1. Open the portrait picture in [PS], copy it [Ctrl+J], use [Liquefaction Tool] to liquefy the portrait, and modify the facial contour.

2. [Ctrl+J] Copy the layer, and use [Repair Brush Tool] to deal with facial defects; Use [Imitate Stamp Tool] to decorate the skin.

3. [Ctrl+J] Copy two layers of portrait layer, select the lower layer, add [Gaussian Blur], [Radius] 4px; Select the upper layer, click [Application Image], and the mixed mode is [Subtract]; Layer mode [Linear light].

4. [Ctrl+J] Copy the copied layer, and use the skin grinding plug-in for skin grinding.

5. Add [Layer mask], [Ctrl+I] in reverse direction, use white [Brush Tool] to smear the skin, even the skin color, and brush [Opacity] 40%; Use black [Stamp Tool] to modify the light and shadow on the face and enhance the stereoscopic feeling.

6. [Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E] seal the layer, and use [Imitate Stamp Tool] to deal with hair fragments.

7. [Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E] seal the layer, add [Black and White] adjustment layer, [Ctrl+I] reverse mask, use white [Brush Tools] to smear the hair position, and change the hair color to black.

8. Add [Curve] adjustment layer, right click [Create Cutting Mask], and drag the curve downward to darken; Create [Curve] adjustment layer, [Create cutting mask], press dark again, [Ctrl+I] reverse mask, and use white [Brush] to smear the position without pressing dark.

9. [Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E] stamp the layer, open [ACR Filter], click [HSL] panel, reduce [Brightness] - 33 and [Saturation] - 40 of [Green], and darken the background; [Brightness] of [Orange]+5.

10. [Ctrl+M] create [Curve], drag the curve to brighten, [Ctrl+I] reverse, and use the white [Brush] to smear the face and skin.

11. Add [Optional Color] adjustment layer, select [Red], [Yellow]+10, [Black] - 10; The [Quick Mask] tool selects the position of the neck, adds a [Hue/Saturation] adjustment layer, selects [Red], [Hue] - 5, [Saturation] - 12, and adjusts the color of the neck.

12. Right click Copy on the top of the canvas, select all layers to merge, click Edit, Specify Configuration File, and Configure File 1998; Click Edit and Convert to Configuration File; Copy Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+W, and Ctrl+V to the original canvas.

13. [Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E] seal the layer, click [Filter], [USM Sharpening], [Quantity] 8%, [Radius] 1000px, [Threshold] 0.

14, [Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E] seal the layer, select [Filter], [High Contrast Retention], [Radius] 3px; Layer mode [Soft Light].

The above is a detailed introduction to PS. This software is very easy to use. You can edit or color your pictures. The above is a tutorial for beginners. If it is useful, you can collect it. Your pictures or videos will have a different style, and you will be a blockbuster.

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