How to apply for returning a qq red packet? Will the qq red packet be refunded within 24 hours

 lihan September 16, 2022 15:50:32 Mobile applications comment six hundred and twelve Reading mode

QQ has been used for many times both in life and at work, and its functions are also very complete. It can play video, send voice, send red packets and other functions on it. Of course, some people will encounter this situation. If the red packet is sent to the wrong person accidentally, how can you withdraw it if you want to? Let's take a look.


How to apply for returning qq red packets

QQ wallet transfer is a real-time payment. If you send a red envelope, you can enter his wallet only after the other party confirms it. So if the transfer is wrong, you can only ask the other party to refund it to you. If the other party does not return it after discussion, you can contact Tencent's customer service internally and ask them to intervene to deal with this problem.

1. Contact the merchant customer service. After explaining why you need a refund. The customer service promised to give you a refund.

2. The customer service party informed the courier to intercept.

3. Customer service requests that you directly refuse the delivery of the dispatcher.

4. The last one. Direct application for refund can be handled directly, but this kind of business is rarely handled in this way.

5. Don't apply directly without contacting, so the merchant will also refuse your refund application directly.

How to forcibly return qq red packets within 24 hours

1. QQ red packets cannot be returned compulsorily. If they are not received, they will be returned automatically 24 hours later;

2. If the mobile phone QQ red packet is received, it cannot be returned compulsorily, and can only be sent back to the other party in the form of red packet;

3. After receiving the other party's red envelope, the money will automatically enter QQ change. QQ red envelope is an application launched by QQ, a Tencent product. It can be used to send "red envelope", check receipt and delivery records and withdraw cash. QQ Red Packet has launched four new playing methods: short video red packet, video phone red packet, voice password red packet and co branded limited amount red packet.

You can't apply for returning the qq red envelope. You can only return it automatically if the other party doesn't collect money within 24 hours. You can also let the other party collect it and send it to you first. This is the fastest way, so you should see clearly before sending red envelopes in life.

  • This article is written by Published on September 16, 2022 15:50:32
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