How to close the socket at the upper right corner of the mobile phone qq? Detailed steps for closing the socket of qq

Everyone must be very familiar with the qq den. It is a function of qq. Maybe some people want to protect their privacy and don't want their friends to see it. Some people feel that the phone is easy to get stuck when many functions are turned on, so they want to turn it off. In fact, this can be set. Today, I will take you to learn about the detailed process of how to turn off the qq den. Let's have a look.


Why Can't QQ Super QQ Show Nest Enter?

1. In the internal test:

QQ Cottage is still in the internal test at present, and players without qualification for internal test invitation need to wait for QQ Cottage to send the internal test invitation and fully open before entering.

2. Loading exception:

Because the super QQ show function occupies too much memory, many users may experience some network exceptions when loading. You can choose to exit the super QQ show play method and re-enter, and then click to enter the QQ den.

3. Permission settings:

If you want to enter the QQ den of friends or other users, you can't enter because the other party has set access permissions, and you need to unlock the permissions to enter.

Detailed flow of qq pit closing

1. Open our mobile QQ, click [Dynamic] in the lower right corner of the interface to enter the dynamic interface;


2. In the dynamic interface, click [Icon] in the upper right corner to enter its function interface. The icon position is as shown in the red box;


3. After entering the function interface, you can see that there will be a [-] above the nest function to delete it.


The above is the detailed process of how to close the qq den. There are many functions in qq, which can be set to be closed if not needed. This will not easily cause the phone to get stuck. I hope the above information can help you.

  • This article is written by Published on September 13, 2022 17:47:54
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