How to restore chat after uninstalling and reinstalling WeChat, and how to restore chat record after uninstalling WeChat

WeChat is now one of the most popular chat tools. It is convenient to use WeChat for office work or talking with friends. WeChat chat records can now also be provided as evidence. If you have something that has been violated, you can also provide chat records. If WeChat is uninstalled, how can we restore it?


Method 1: WeChat recovery

The specific operation process is as follows:

1. First, open the phone and click the "WeChat" icon on the desktop.

2. After entering the "WeChat" interface, click "I" in the interface.

3. Enter "My" interface and click "Settings".

4. Enter the "Settings" interface and click "Help and Feedback".

5. Enter the "Help and Feedback" interface and click "Tools".

6. Click "Restore chat record".

7. Click "Restore chat record" to finish.

Method 2: Professional data software to restore chat records

Because the first method requires WeChat backup, but he has not done any backup, which makes it impossible to restore chat records. How to restore chat records after uninstalling WeChat? The editor recommends that you use professional data software to restore chat records. The software can scan your original chat records without requiring that you have made backup records:

Step 1: Select the appropriate USB data cable to connect with the computer, open the software, and click [Start Scanning];

Step 2: Jumping to the new interface means that it is in the scanning phase and needs some time to wait;

Step 3: After scanning, move the mouse to the left application bar to find [WeChat chat record], select the chat record you want to restore and click [Restore] at the bottom right corner.

With so many electronic devices in use today, it is inevitable that some important records will sometimes be deleted. At this time, some methods can be used to restore them. WeChat can use the above two methods.

  • This article is written by Published on September 13, 2022 17:31:16
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