Forgot how to forcibly retrieve the QQ password. The easiest way to retrieve the QQ password

 shenxiaocen September 13, 2022 13:56:30 Mobile applications comment six hundred and thirty-eight Reading mode

QQ is the first social platform to appear in front of the public. For many people, it is a memory of youth. Although with the popularity of WeChat, people are no longer using it frequently, but because it is convenient to transfer files, people gradually use it, but it is easy to forget the password after a long time. How can we force to retrieve the qq password?


How to forcibly retrieve the qq password?

1. The first method to retrieve the QQ password: verify the security problem

Answer the three security questions correctly, click "OK" -- enter the new password and confirm, confirm to submit -- QQ password is modified successfully.

2. The second method to retrieve the QQ password: sending SMS messages from the security phone

Edit the SMS message "gm # your QQ account # new password" using the password protection mobile phone number and send it to the port number (of mobile/Unicom/telecom users). (Note: Charge for sending SMS: 0.1 yuan/piece)

3. The third way to retrieve the QQ password: account appeal

If "there is an error in verifying the security" or "the security phone is not bound", you can retrieve the QQ password through the account appeal. Enter the QQ account and verification code, click "Confirm and agree to the following agreement" -- verify the contact email/mobile phone -- fill in the historical data to verify the identity -- notify your friends to complete the auxiliary retrieval of the QQ password -- check the email/SMS in four hours, Set a new QQ password for security.

Where can I see the qq password?

1. First, we need to log in to QQ on our mobile phone.

2. After entering QQ, click QQ avatar.


3. After entering, the QQ account will be displayed.


4. Then click QQ Security Center in the contact person.


5. Click Forgot Password in the account question.


6. Then a message will appear, click "here" below.


7. Click to enter the account number.


8. Then a text message will appear to verify and retrieve the password.


9. After sending, the password modification interface will appear. Write the new password to see the password.


In fact, since you haven't used QQ for a long time, it is normal to log in again and forget your password. Generally speaking, you can retrieve it through three methods: mobile phone verification, secret protection, and account appeal.

  • This article is written by Published on September 13, 2022 13:56:30
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