What is the reason why the mobile phone cannot be charged? Let me teach you some solutions (simple and effective)

Mobile phone is an indispensable device for everyone now. From the previous use as a communication tool, its functions are relatively simple. With the gradual development, mobile phones have extended a lot of functions, not only for phone calls. Casually, for example, people are now famous for taking a mobile phone instead of a wallet; Just turn on your mobile phone to watch TV So mobile phones have many uses for people. However, there will always be some problems. For example, the mobile phone cannot be charged. What is the reason and how to solve it?


The inability to charge the mobile phone is generally caused by the following reasons:

1. Mobile phone battery problem

Generally, the probability of cell phone battery failure is relatively small, but once the battery fails, we must pay attention to it. If there is no problem with the mobile phone charger and the mobile phone system, the mobile phone battery needs to be checked. If the mobile phone battery is found to be swollen, it indicates that there is a problem with the mobile phone battery. At this time, the mobile phone battery should be stopped immediately and replaced by a professional. At the same time, do not disassemble the battery by yourself to avoid explosion of the expanded battery, which will bring more serious consequences.

2. Mobile phone system failure

The phone can't be charged, which may be caused by the phone system failure. The solution is to turn off the phone, restart the phone, and check whether the phone charges normally. If not, you can flush the phone: make sure that your phone has obtained root permission, enter recovery mode, select wipe, then select wipe battery status, and then reboot. If your recovery only includes wipe data or factory reset, please back up all data before wipe!

3. Charger fault

If the charger charged by the mobile phone fails, the mobile phone will not be charged. The solution is to try charging with another charger with the same interface. If it can be charged normally, it can be determined that it is a problem with the charger. It can be replaced with a new charger.


1. Solution 1: Replace the charger and data cable. There are many reasons why the mobile phone does not charge, many of which are related to the data cable and the charger. For example, the data cable and the charger are incompatible with the mobile phone, the data cable interface contact is poor, the data cable is not connected properly, and so on. A good data cable and the charger can basically solve the problem.

2. Method 2: Restart the phone. Sometimes it is because of system bugs that the mobile phone cannot be charged. Especially after the test version of the system is installed, unstable factors will cause the mobile phone to fail to charge normally. Generally, the mobile phone will resume charging when it is turned off and then turned on again. It is recommended not to install the test system at ordinary times.

3. Method 3: Mobile phone shop maintenance. If the above two methods are not effective, it is recommended to go to the mobile phone store and ask a professional person to see the specific reason, because it may be that the charging port is broken, or it may be that the internal components are broken. Ordinary users cannot determine the specific reason, so it is useless to guess. The best way is to let a professional person check.

After reading this article, you can see if you have a sudden understanding. If you encounter the above problems, you can refer to the methods introduced in the above article to solve them.

  • This article is written by Published on September 9, 2022 17:17:37
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