How to merge a table into two pages? Let's play excel

 shenxiaocen September 8, 2022 17:44:32 Computer knowledge comment seven hundred and sixteen Reading mode

Excel, For office workers, an office software is often used. To a certain extent, it can bring many conveniences to people. However, due to its many functions, some people still do not know how to operate it. How to merge a form into two pages?

How to merge a table into two pages?

1. Select File Options

First, if it is an Excel table that can be merged directly, you can delete the horizontal columns directly. If it is complex, open the Excel document and find the file to be merged. As shown in the figure, select the file option and click.


2. Change Page Setup

We can change the page settings according to the print settings to achieve the effect of consolidation. Select the print option in the pop-up option box.


3. Adjustment

Click Page Setup. Click to adjust it to one page high and one page wide, and click OK. The purpose of this step is to merge Excel broken into two pages into one page. You can also customize settings according to the amount of text.


2 tables merged into one table

1. As shown in the figure below, there are two files in the folder. Now we want to merge the two files into one.


2. First, we open these two files

3. Then we click on the following options


4. Click Summary/Split - Consolidate Multiple Books


5. Select Consolidate to One Table


6. Finally, click [OK] to finish


In fact, there are many functions of excel, so it is inevitable to make mistakes when operating, but it can be remedied at the same time, but it still needs to master skills.

  • This article is written by Published on September 8, 2022 17:44:32
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