How to register Steam account in China? (The personal test has been successfully registered)

You must be familiar with Steam, especially those who like to play games. There are many popular games on the Steam platform, such as Jedi Survival, another popular game that exploded on the live broadcast platform, and Digging for Rise, which can be played on Steam as a game platform, There are hundreds of games on Steam, which can meet the different needs of different people. Most of the games can be downloaded on the platform, but most of the games can be played only for a fee.


Steam is a foreign platform, which has led many novice friends to lose their heads and do not know how to register. Today we will teach you how to register an overseas Steam account.

Can Steam still register in China

The netizens who asked this question probably heard that Steam was going to quit China, which led many netizens to think that they could not register in China. Just now I tried to register, and it was successful! Therefore, Steam can still register. However, the card for visiting Steam's official website in China is unstable and takes a long time to load. Sometimes the official website cannot be opened, which leads many netizens to believe that Steam cannot be registered in China.

Steam account purchase


Netizens who really don't register themselves can buy the finished product number directly on this site, and they can find it in any area. The steam accounts sold by this website are all registered through official channels. The accounts are high quality and stable, ensuring that one person, one account, and no repeat sales

Steam account registration preparation

1. A computer

2. One mailbox (both QQ mailbox and 163 mailbox can be used for receiving verification)

3. One jai speeder (common jai speeders such as Xunyou and Raytheon are enough to avoid the situation that the official website cannot be opened)

Steam Account Registration Tutorial

1. Open steam official website in the browser: If it cannot be opened, open the jai speeder and try again. (You can also search Steam yourself; Google's Chrome browser is recommended)

2. After the web page is successfully opened, it will automatically display Chinese according to the IP address. If it is not Chinese, we first set the language to Chinese, which can be set in the upper right corner of the official website.


3. Enter the email address we want to register in the input box, select Hong Kong as the country/region, or the place you want to register, check for human-computer verification and have reached the age of 13, and then click "Continue" to proceed to the next step.


4. At this time, Steam will send an email for verification to the email we just used to register. We open the email, click the email sent by Steam, and click "Verify My Email" to successfully register, as shown below:

The above figure shows the verification mailbox

5. After the verification is passed, return to the registration page, and then jump to the account creation page. We fill in our account and password information according to the prompts, and click "Finish" after filling in.


6. After clicking "Finish", the Steam account is successfully registered and will automatically change to login status on the official website.

Log in to steam client

After the account is registered, we still need to verify whether we can log in to the steam client.

1. Click the "Install Steam" button on the upper right corner of the steam official website.


2. Click "Install Steam" on the jump page to download the client.


3. After downloading the client, we double click it to enter the installation process. The installation process is very simple, just the next step.


4. After the installation is completed, we start steam and log in to our registered steam account on the login interface.


5. At this time, you will find that you have successfully logged in. Congratulations on having a usable steam account.


Here, some friends have a misconception that they can play the games in Steam after they have registered their Steam account. In fact, not yet. Many popular games in Steam can only be played after purchase. Netizens who need to buy games can continue to look down.

Steam purchase game

1. Select "Store" on the steam client.


2. Enter the game you need in the input box on the right side of the store page. Here we use Jedi Survival as an example.


3. The first search result is "Jedi Survival", we click it.


4. At this time, we entered the introduction page of the game. We can see its price, and then click "Add to Shopping Cart".


5. On this page, we can choose to buy for ourselves or send it to others. We click "buy for ourselves".


6. Finally, the page will jump to the payment interface, and we can select the commonly used Alipay and WeChat payment.

At this time, the whole process is completed. We have explained everything from the registration of steam account to the purchase of the game. Let's learn!

matters needing attention

1. Steam official does not have any restrictions on the type of mailbox, that is, any mailbox can be used as long as it can receive the verification code. It should be noted that the email account must be something you can remember. Because when you log in or change your password and other information later, you will also need this email to obtain the relevant key. That is to say, the account is bound to the mailbox. If no verification information is received in the inbox, you can go to the dustbin to have a look. It may be misjudged as spam.

2. The official website of registered steam account cannot be opened. Some kids may have linked to the game jai speeder, and may still be unable to open the steam official website. This is true. If you encounter it, you can consider using a network jai speeder. If not, you can either try it at another time or buy a ready-made account directly.

3. Steam is just a game platform. There are free games and paid games. If you want to play paid games, you need to pay for them. Steam supports WeChat and Alipay. There are also many free games, which we can find by ourselves.

  • This article is written by Published on December 19, 2023 09:40:11
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